Eilidh Allen!

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Once Winn came back into the large hall, he smiled When he seen Barry and Kara with Eilidh. He noticed that Eilidh was talking to them, probably about the Flash and Supergirl. Imra and Mon-El both walked over to Winn who gave them a small smile. Mon-El asked "where are Kara and Barry". Winn nodded over to the Flash and Supergirl statue where the three Allen's were all sitting. Imra asked "do you think she knows who she is talking to". Winn shook his head and replied "I imagine that if she did, she'd be way more excited, if she hasn't passed out that is". Mon-El chuckled and said "to be fair, it isn't everyday that you get to talk to not only your ancestors but Flash and Supergirl too". Winn nodded and waved over at the three When Barry had noticed them and waved them over. The three legion members approached the Allen's by the statues. Eilidh smiled at them and asked "what brings the legion of superheroes to the hall of justice". Winn said "Barry and Kara are friends of ours so we wanted to show them around as we talked". Eilidh nodded. Winn asked "so are you two ready to see where all the main League members gather". Eilidh beamed and asked "can I come, dad never let's me near". Mon-El chuckled and replied "probably because you'd break something". Eilidh pouted and said "I won't I promise, can I come, pretty please". Barry chuckled and whispered to Kara "she reminds me of you". Kara giggled and whispered back "really, I thought she reminded me of you". Barry smiled and said "me and Kara can keep an eye on her, She won't break anything, besides us speedsters have to stick together". Eilidh beamed and exclaimed "thanks Barry, you're the best" as she gave him a tight hug. Barry chuckled and gave her a small hug. Winn smiled and said "ok fine, come on then".

Barry, Kara and Eilidh followed Winn, Mon-El and Imra into a large room. Eilidh asked "is This where the members gather, I expected the room to be big, but not This big". Kara gasped when she seen the familiar table in the centre of the room. She grabbed onto Barry's arm and said "look Bar, it's the table at our Hall of Justice, it's still here". As Eilidh gave the two a confused look, Winn said "as far as we know, it is the original from 2019". Barry and Kara looked at all the chairs around the table. Kara asked "why are there still chairs with Supergirl's and Flash's symbols on them". Mon-El replied "because the Flash and Supergirl were the founding members of the Justice League, no one uses those chairs". Barry asked "and why is there another Flash emblem". Eilidh smiled and said "it's dad's, he's the Flash now, and it isn't just the Flash Logo, the house of El emblem is there too, I told you that my dad always told me that I was connected to the Flash and Supergirl through my powers, it's because they are my families ancestors". It took a moment to register for Barry and Kara but when it did, a massive smile spread across their faces. Kara asked "really, you're related to the Flash and Supergirl". Eilidh nodded and said "you must think I'm crazy". Barry shook his head and said "we don't Eilidh, we believe you". Eilidh asked "you do". Kara nodded and replied "yeah we do". Eilidh smiled and said "thanks, usually people think I'm just lying about it". Barry nodded and replied "we get it". Eilidh asked "you do". Barry nodded and said "my mother was murdered when I was eleven, a speedster killed her, but the police didn't believe me, and my dad was framed, They didn't think it was possible".

Eilidh frowned and replied "oh..... I'm sorry Barry, but.... How did they think it wasn't possible, speedsters have been around for centuries". Barry said "not when I'm from". Eilidh asked "you two time travelled". Kara nodded and said "Winn, Mon-El and Imra are friends of ours, we came to visit and tell them that we are engaged, we're hoping they'll come to our wedding, whenever we decide it'll be". Eilidh asked "and you both managed to time travel forwards in the future, I've barely been able to go back in time". Barry smiled and said "being the creator of the speedforce does have its perks". Eilidh's eyes widened in surprise. She asked "you.... You're...... Are you....." . Barry chuckled and said "my full name is Barry Allen". Kara giggled and said "I thought it was Bartholomew Henry Allen". Eilidh beamed and said "I'm Eilidh Allen...... And I'm meeting the Flash, oh dad is going to be so jealous when he hears that I've met my ancestors and he hasn't....... Are you Supergirl..... You said you were his fiance, you Are, aren't you". Kara nodded with an amused smile which turned into a giggle when Eilidh hugged her and Barry.

While the two hugged their descendent back, Winn asked "should we uh wait out at the main area, we don't want to ruin the family moment". Kara giggled and asked "can Eilidh join us for dinner, we want to get to know our great, something, something granddaughter". Winn smiled and replied "yeah that would be fine, I'm going to have to order a lot of food for three speedsters, one of which is also kryptonian, I'm going to go bankrupt". Barry chuckled and said "we have some protein bars we can eat". Kara nodded and replied "yeah we have protein bars that Barry can eat, I am not eating one again, no thanks". Eilidh giggled and asked "have They not perfected them yet". Kara shook her head and replied "they taste like cardboard". Winn said "we'll just order food it's fine, do you guys want to see anymore of the place before we get going". Barry said "I think we're good, do you want to see any other area Eilidh". Eilidh shook her head and said "I'm good". Kara asked "can we get a picture in front of the statues before we head for dinner, we can tell you the rest of the other events when we start heading for dinner". Winn replied "come on then". Eilidh asked "can I get a photo with you both". Kara beamed and exclaimed "of course you can, come on let's go".

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