bonus chapter

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A/N: Thank you so much for 50k reads!! Ah, it's been so long since I've finished this book hehe~ Back then, I had already planned this chapter out and wanted to keep it hidden until this book hits 50k reads~ That time has finally come. I really hope this update will reach the readers who were here waiting for each update years ago ☺️
Thank you, again.

Tyler was staring at his expression in the living room mirror. His lips formed a straight (how did his gayness allow this) line.

Years have passed since everything went down. Tyler and Josh were living together now, they had a house of their own. Brendon and Dallon actually got married, but they moved away and didn't get to see the rest of the clique very often. Peterick were living in a small flat, but it was just enough for them. Andy also lived across the hall from them, thus they had company whenever they wanted it.

"Tyler" Josh called from the front door "C'mon, we're gonna be late to the Fall Out Boy concert"

Tyler wanted to smile at the words, but he couldn't.

"Tylerrrr" Josh rolled his r's jokingly "I already pulled my shoes on, I am not coming back in to pull you out of the living room"

Tyler sighed heavily. His blinks were just as weighted. This issue had been eating him for years, but has he felt guiltier it kept getting worse. These past few weeks, he's been going to sleep early, unable to look Josh in the eye.

And Josh-who-already-put-his-shoes-on-and-is-waiting-rather-impatiently-at-the-front-door was starting to get worried.


"Yeah, yeah. I know" Tyler spoke, just to release his boyfriend of worry.

Josh bit his lip, but nodded to himself.

Tyler let out a big huff of air and whispered "You can do this, you big prick"

Josh only heard mumbling and thought to himself "What kind of mumbling phase do people go through in their twenties? Maybe his puberty is late because he was a vampire?"

Tyler finally showed up.

"Tyler, Pete and Patrick have been so excited about this, we can't be late" Josh was almost whining "This is their first concert since Pete joined the band and changed the name"

"I know, Josh" Tyler stated "I can keep up"

"I still wish you were still their bassist" Josh cooed at Tyler.

"It was my decision" Tyler shrugged "I'm just not made for the life of a musician"

"I know, Tyler" Josh mocked "I can keep up"

Tyler playfully stuck his tongue out and Josh and Josh retorted in the same fashion. They chuckled the whole thing off.

"Why are you still standing there?" Josh asked. He noticed that even though Tyler finally approached the front door, he wasn't putting his shoes on or even looking like he intended to leave the house any time soon "What took so long in the living room anyway?"

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