chapter twelve

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Tyler wasn't sure for how long did they all stay up. Every time the room would get wrapped in peace and quiet, somebody would start a conversation or would be hungry. Nobody ever complained. Tyler figured it was a normal sleepover thing.

But after Brendon's glorious wake-up at twenty minutes after four am, they seemed to finally actually fall asleep.

And, boy, does Brendon snore.

Honestly, Tyler was pretty sure some of the other boys were snoring too, but Brendon; damn.

Suddenly, Tyler felt vibration underneath his head. It woke him up and he searched for it, finding nothing. He then picked up a random pillow off the floor to find - Brendon's phone. Maybe the boys hid it there as a prank, maybe it was pushed to the floor by accident.

It was vibrating because Josh was calling.

Tyler had to think fast, so he ran out of the room in the fashion his supernaturalness allowed him. Finding himself in the pastel hallway. He checked the time on Brendon's phone and learned it was five am. Why the hell would Josh call Brendon at five am? Sighing, he swiped his finger along the screen to accept Josh's call.

"Hello" Tyler spoke in his deep morning voice; which honestly weirded him out every morning he spoke.


"No, it's Tyler" he rubbed his eyes sleepily "Brendon's asleep"

"Oh. Okay. Why are you up?"

"I could ask the same about you" Tyler chuckled quietly, starting to pace the hallway.

"I- I was gonna ask Brendon to do me a favor, it's not important really-"

"I can help if you need anything" Tyler offered, his voice slowly losing its deepness.

"No, it's- you can't help me" Josh tried explaining, but seemed to have a problem with words "Only Brendon can, because he's-"

"Oh, I get it" Tyler said, nodding for himself. It must have something to do with Brendon's demon nature "Do you want me to wake him up?"

"If you want to, i-it'd be great"

Tyler stopped pacing and his eyes widened when he realized Josh was crying; sobbing at least. If Brendon can make him feel better, Tyler must wake the demon boy up as soon as possible.

"O- Okay, give me a second"

Tyler lowered the phone, pressing it to his chest and entering Brendon's bedroom. He walked over Dallon and tapped Brendon's shoulder. Brendon let out a sleepy groan, but he wasn't awake yet. Tyler gave him a light nudge and whisper-shouted his name.

"I don't want snacks"

Tyler cringed at Brendon's sleepy, whiny words and nudged him harder "Brendon, wake up"

"What?" Brendon finally opened his eyes "Tyler? Why the hell are you awake?"

"Josh is on the phone" Tyler explained briefly "Says he needs you"

Brendon stood up in an instance, his expression serious and almost worried "Dammit. Gimme the phone"

"Hey J"

"Brendon I need to know, please, I just need to know"

"Josh, agh, the boys are all here in my room and- Ah, I'll go to the bathroom"

"Will it work there? Please, Bren, I-"

"Don't worry, it'll work"

"Th- Thank you"

Brendon patted Tyler's shoulder and quickly exited the room. Tyler was very confused and curious, but this seemed to be a very serious matter so he decided not to eavesdrop.

He returned to his spot on the floor. Lying down, he worried about Josh. Josh seemed like a fun, happy guy. Why would he cry? Maybe Tyler could ask Brendon?

"Where did Bren go?" Andy's voice suddenly came from the bed, sleepy eyes staring at Tyler.

"The bathroom" Tyler replied quietly, getting a nod in response. Andy collapsed back into sleeping. He'll probably even forget about being awake at all.

Sighing, Brendon quietly returned into the room. It had been half an hour, but Tyler felt like it was years. He couldn't even close his eyes, too concerned. Brendon shoved his phone under his pillow and exhaled, throwing himself onto the bed and getting whiny sounds from Andy; but he didn't care. Tyler sat up, but was pretty sure Brendon couldn't see him.

Brendon put his palms together, staring at the ceiling; it looked like he was praying "I'm gonna get them, Josh, I swear to God. I'll find them, catch them and kill them"

Andy turned and hugged Brendon, still sleeping. Brendon smiled and hugged him back. He stared at the ceiling for a little while before closing his eyes.

Tyler lied down. He pouted as he thought. He knew almost nothing about Brendon's powers. There was so many things he could've done for a crying Josh. Who did Brendon want to kill for Josh?

Well, if it's about killing, Tyler would love to help.

He won't ask. He's been frens with these boys too short. This was very personal; at least it appeared so.

Tyler was not gonna be able to sleep anymore. He only got, what, forty minutes of sleep? That's alright. No sleep was bearable. But the worry and curiosity boiling up in him was almost infuriating.

There was just a little over half an hour before someone's alarm will ring. Tyler will spend it staring at the blackness and thinking. Deciding.

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