Chapter Fifteen - Jaeden

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 Timothee Chalamet had betrayed us. We should have been expecting it. But he just looks weak, it's so easy to underestimate him. Adam Levine and Draco Malfoy had been ready to tie us up. Now we sat on the grimy floor of the bathroom, desperately trying to get free.

"Stay here Timmy, while we get the car." Adam Levine ordered.

"Umm, yeah, right, okay." Timothee said. Draco and Adam left, leaving us alone with the backstabbing French idiot. "So, look, I'm like really sorry. It's just like, this has to happen."

"But why Timothee?" Steve pleaded.

"You can just let us go!" I told him. "You shouldn't have anything against MILFs!"

"But, uh, the guys had kept reminding me of how much MILFs have failed me. I've been in like five movies made by Greta Gerwig, and every time I'm a winy jerk. Like I never end up with Saoirse. That's like, uh, really unfair, ya know?"

"I understand that you really like Saoirse. We all do. So that's why you have to support her. If you do this, she's going to hate you." I tried to reason.

"But, like, what about my exes. Lily Rose Depp is training to be a MILF, but she broke my heart." He looked like he was on the verge of tears. That poor, sensitive, stupid boy.

"Oh honey. She didn't break up with you because she's going to be a MILF. She broke up with you because you're kind of a loser. No offense." Maria said.

"Kidnapping us is only going to prove that she was right." Scarlett said. "And cheer up, there's still like a lot of people on Instagram that want to date you. The explore page algorithm shows me a lot of your fan's content because of your connection to all my favorite women, and a lot of people think you're- a lot of people-" Scarlett was having a hard time finishing her sentence. "A lot of people think you're hot."

Scarlett passed out from the energy it took to say those words. Alara took over the conversation.

"And don't dwell on how women have wronged you. Think of everything MILFs have done for you."

"Yeah!" I started listing things. "Greta may not give you the most likable roles, but she is keeping you employed. And Saoirse makes you seem so charming on talk shows because she is really good at telling stories about you that don't make you seem so... scrawny."

"You've worked with so many other MILFs. The mom in Call Me By Your Name. I'm trying to think of any other movies you've been in-" I grasped for ideas, but Scarlett had recovered from the forced compliment.

"In Intersteller-" She paused, blinking away tears. "Anne Hathaway was in Intersteller. So was Jessica Chastain. She played your sister-" Scarlett broke into a sob, remembering the plot of Intersteller, the movie that had emotionally destroyed her.

"Umm, yeah, Jessica played the older version of my sister, so I didn't even get to like act with her. And I never even saw Anne Hatheway. She was in the space part of the movie." Timothee started to argue, then stopped. "But I guess you're right. The MILFs are everywhere. And they are hot."

He paused to reflect a moment, every one of his brain cells working hard to create a coherent thought.

"I kind of owe a lot to MILFs. Maybe you guys are right." He smiled. "Yeah, I'm going to set you free." Timothee started to unlock the handcuffs that chained me to the stall door.


A gun fired into the bathroom. Timothee slumped over, a pool of blood gathering around his body. Somebody screamed. Draco and Adam reentered the bathroom. Alara charged at them. Of course, she had unlocked her handcuffs with a bobby pin. Scarlett kicked Draco's knee, and he fell to the floor.

I was still disoriented. As the battle continued in front of me, I noticed Timothee's mouth was moving.

"What is it?" I asked him, leaning closer.

"Ed-" He whispered, his voice frail as his skinny body. "Ed isn't-" He managed to croak out.

"What? He isn't what?" I urged.

"He isn't-" His body went limp, and his chest stopped moving. I reached for his tiny wrist but couldn't find a pulse.

"Jaeden!" Maria screamed, rushing over to get me out of the handcuffs. "Let's go!"

Adam Levine and Draco Malfoy were passed out on the floor. My sisters had scrapes and cuts on them, but no one was seriously injured.

"I'm coming!" I told them. 

Then James Corden shot me with a tranquilizer dart. 

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