Vacationing in Maui Part 1

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"I can't believe you got first class tickets," Meredith giggles as she stretches her legs all the way in front of her and still has room.

"It's a long flight," Derek replies seriously. "We should be comfortable during every aspect of our vacation."

"This is more than comfortable. This is excessive," she says with a roll of her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes."

"How the hell do you always know when I roll them?"

"It's in your tone of voice," Derek answers with a grin. He then reaches out to trace her cheek gently and says, "You deserve this Mer. Everyone should fly first class at least once in their lives."

"Yeah," she says slightly sarcastically, "and then feel bitter the rest of their lives when they can't."

"Well," Derek shrugs, "that's not really a problem since we can."

Meredith's heart jumps in her chest like it always does when he makes casual comments about their future. It makes her happy to think about them being old together. Not that she's in any hurry to get old. She just definitely wants Derek with her when she's white-haired and creaky with age.

Meredith reaches out to take his hand in hers as the plane engine revs and they gain speed for the lift-off.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes," she answers. "I don't like the take-off."

"I don't like the landing," he laughs.

She closes her eyes to distract herself from the nauseating feeling of leaving the ground at an unnatural speed. She thinks about the fact that Derek's blood work came back clear and that makes her happy. She did have to make herself calm down and stop worrying though. Every thing was fine and clear but she was going to be paying close attention to see if he got anymore headaches. He also promised to tell her if he got any while she wasn't around.

For now though, they were going on vacation to Maui. She'd never been to Hawaii. Partly because she couldn't even remember the last time she was on a vacation and partly because she thought of Hawaii as a place for lovers. Feeling the plane start to even out she opens her eyes and turns to look at Derek.

"What?" he asks, feeling her gaze upon him.

"I love you," she whispers. "And thank you for insisting on this trip."

"It's only beginning," he grins and leans in to kiss her. "And I love you too."

"I don't want to move from this spot."

"Then don't," Derek chuckles as he lays on the warm sand next to Meredith.

They'd arrived at their Lahaina hotel two hours before. Meredith immediately made sure that Derek knew the exact layout of their room. She'd unpacked, put the suitcases under the bed and took Derek on a very detailed trip of their room. She counts steps with him, makes sure he knows the exact placement of all the furniture and creates very clear paths for him to move freely and comfortably about. Finally Derek says, "Thank you for helping me acclimate Mer. I'm fine now but I'd like to get outside for a while."

After walking on the beach and along the edge of the roaring waves Meredith had dragged Derek down to lay beside her on the lightly colored sand. Now she rolls over and nuzzles into his chest.

"I thought you didn't want to move," he teases as he wraps his arms around her.

Meredith places her lips on his for a slow, romantic kiss and ends his teasing as his mind turns to thoughts of sex. On the beach. He's wondering if he can convince her it would be fun when her voice interrupts his thoughts.

"You're thinking about sex."

He chuckles, "Every other thought I have involves you and having sex."

"Really?" She giggles, "So I consume half your brain power?"

"No," he answers, squeezing her tight, "That's more like 90%."

"Silly, silly man," she teases as she gives him another quick kiss and feels her heart roll happily inside. She sits up and tugs on his hands, "Come on, as much as I don't want to move - I'm starving."

Derek gets up and takes her hand in his as she leads them back to the hotel restaurant. He wonders when he'll actually propose to her. He doesn't have anything planned, but knows he wants to do it while they're here on Maui. At the perfect time.

Meredith looks at Derek over the table in the restaurant and asks, "Would you think I'm a total loser if I told you I just want to go back to our room? I want to take a bath and then go on the balcony and have drinks with you while we listen to the waves crash on the beach."

"It's our vacation Mer. We can do anything you want. If you want to lay in bed and sleep for two weeks - that's what we'll do."

She giggles and asks, "Have I told you today how much I love you?"

"I'm sure you have," he answers with a grin. "And I'm sure if you really want to you'll think of some way to show me, too."

"Really?" she asks as she kicks her flip flop off under the table and places her foot right in his crotch. Derek jumps and she grins as she starts massaging him with her foot. Feeling himself immediately harden, he grabs her foot and moves it to his thigh. He tickles the bottom of her foot and she giggles. She tries to sound innocent as she asks, "Not what you had in mind?"

Just then their waiter walks up to the table and inquires, "Can I bring you a dessert menu?"

"No thank you," Meredith answers with a barely suppressed giggle.

"Just the check," Derek interjects - wanting to get Meredith alone as quickly as possible.

"Of course," the waiter replies and walks away.

They take care of the bill and walk across the hotel lobby to the elevators. Once they're inside and moving toward their floor Meredith throws herself into Derek's arms and starts kissing him like there's no tomorrow. He shoves his hands in her honey colored hair and pushes her against the elevator wall. She slides her tongue inside his mouth to silkily mate with his.

They hear the bell ding and pull apart as the doors open and an elderly couple step onto the elevator with them. They keep their arms wrapped around one another and Derek nuzzles his nose in Meredith's hair as they ride the rest of the way to their floor. As they exit the elevator they hear the woman sigh and say to her husband, "They must be newlyweds."

Derek's heart jolts nervously but then relaxes when Meredith giggles again and hurries them down the hall. As soon as they're inside they both start to remove clothes as they kiss and grope their way to the bed. They fall onto it and roll around as they enthusiastically kiss, touch, lick and taste one another. He slides into her and she rolls so she's on top of him. Then she rides him like he's one of the waves outside. Within minutes they're both crashing around one another in orgasmic relief.

After panting their way back to earth, Meredith giggles and says, "That's the way to start a vacation."

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