First Baby Appointment

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"Derek, we have plenty of time." Meredith laughed. "Just let me check on my patient and then we'll go to the appointment."

"Mer." he replied calmly. "Don't you remember what Kathleen said? She said don't be late or we'll end up being in the waiting room -"

"For hours," she giggled again and stopped her husband in the Seattle Grace lobby to wrap her arms around his waist. Then she leaned up and placed a very sweet and lingering kiss on his mouth. "I love you," she said softly. "Our baby loves you. We are forty-five minutes early for our appointment with Dr. Chu. We have," she kissed him again, "plenty," another kiss, "of time."

"You don't fight fair," he sighed and hugged her to him.

"Come on," she said and took his hand to go toward the elevator. "You can talk to Mark while I check on Mr. Tidwell."

"Mark might be busy."

"Mark's rarely busy at this time of day."

"You're in a mood today." Derek teased, pulling his wife closer to him.

"I know," she said as they stepped off the elevator onto the surgical floor. "I'm happy because we have a day off together, we're seeing the Dr., I haven't felt sick all day -"

"Thank God," Derek sighed. "And," he grinned, "we'll probably get to hear the baby's heartbeat today."

"Exactly," she giggled and kissed him yet again. Then whispered in his ear, "and then we can go home and have wild sex all over our house."

Derek groaned and shoved his hands in his wife's hair to thoroughly kiss her.

"Knock it off," they heard Mark's good-natured chuckle. "You've already made the baby. No one wants to witness your disgusting displays of lust and affection."

"You're wrong," Derek grinned, breaking the kiss with Meredith.

"Told you he wouldn't be busy," Mer teased. Then said to Mark, "I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm going to check on Mr. Tidwell in 5102."

"Don't you have a female doctor's appointment -"

Meredith just groaned as she walked away from her laughing husband and his confused best friend. Mark turned back to Derek and said, "If she's going to be a few minutes - I know where Katie-the-inappropriate-Scrub nurse is at the moment."

All traces of Derek's humor vanished, and his face immediately set in stone. "Let's go."

Mark took Derek to the fifth-floor nurse's station where Katie was filing charts. "Katie," Mark said.

"Dr. Sloan," she smiled at the sound of his voice and turned around. Upon seeing Derek with Mark - her smile vanished, and she looked a little nervous.

"This is Dr. Shepherd," Mark introduced him to Katie.

"I know," she said. "Hello, Dr. Shepherd."

"Hello Katie," he answered, his usual warmth clearly absent. "Have we met before today?"

"No Sir," she answered, "I know who you are. And I scrub-in frequently with your wife."

Mark put his hand on Derek's shoulder and leaned in to quietly say, "No one else is around at the moment. And I'll be on the other side of this nurse's station when you're done."

Derek nodded his head in quiet acknowledgement and then said nothing for a moment until he was certain Mark was out of the way. He didn't want to embarrass Katie, but he did want her to understand that he knew exactly what was going on. "Katie," he said quietly but with definite authority.

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