Is Meredith Alright?

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Before going into the O.R. for Meredith's c-section - Derek had called Kathleen to let her know what was going on. She called Lexie and Molly - who had stayed together and gone shopping near the hospital. By the time Derek emerged from the nursery, the waiting room was fairly full with family and friends. They all started asking questions at once - or so it seemed.

"Give the man a chance to speak," said Bailey and everyone got quiet fast.

"Meredith is in recovery after having a c-section. Our son is doing very well and about to fall asleep in the nursery. Obviously, his birthday is today - September ninth. He's seven pounds, nine ounces and nineteen inches long." Derek couldn't help but grin as he thought of Meredith's reaction to their adorable baby. "And, to Mer's giggling delight - except for a tiny strip of hair in the back - our son is bald."

As expected, this got a hearty laugh from their family and friends, as well. When the laughter started to subside, the questions began again. "How's Meredith? What's the baby's name? When can we see him? When can we see her?"

Derek's head was spinning. He appreciated and loved all the people firing questions at him. He really did but all he wanted was to check on Ian and Meredith. And stay with his wife until she woke up and he truly knew she was going to be all right.

"Hey, hey," said Kathleen, recognizing her brother's worry.

"Quiet!" Again, Bailey was the one to instantly instill silence.

"Meredith's recovering," Derek said. "When she wakes up, and feels up to visitors - we'll start telling people his name. In the meantime," he said, pulling the digital camera from his pocket and handing it to Kathleen. "Here are pictures of him. And I'm sure it's all right if you want to go to the nursery and look in on him. I'm going to check on Meredith."

Everyone crowded around Kathleen to see the pictures. Except Bailey and Lexie - who followed Derek. They walked up on each side of him. "What's going on with Meredith?" Bailey asked.

"She's recovering."

"Derek," Lexie said and surprised him by grabbing his arm to stop his retreat. "What is going on with my sister? I want more details than 'she's recovering'."

Bailey just raised an eyebrow at him in silent agreement.

He sighed and then replied, "Meredith went into mild shock. According to Dr. Chu it's not uncommon under the circumstances and Mer is going to be fine. It's just," he trailed off with a shake of his head.

"You're scared," Lexie stated softly.

"Yes," he admitted on a ragged sigh and ran a hand over his face. "Yes, I'm scared shitless. Rationally, medically, I know Dr. Chu is right."

"There is no rational, medical training when it's your own wife in there," Bailey said. "Just like Meredith couldn't think like a doctor while in labor - you're not going to think like one until you know your wife is fine and dandy."

Bailey took Derek's hand and squeezed it tightly. "Let us be positive and know that Meredith is going to be all right. We'll drool over the little boy in the nursery and you go sit with your wife until she wakes up and demands to see that child."

"Okay," he said with a nod and a hug for both women who were so dear to him. "Okay," he said again and walked away - toward the recovery room he knew Meredith was in.

"We didn't say congratulations," Lexie muttered, watching Derek leave.

"He doesn't want to hear that yet. Not until everything is well in his world," Bailey stated.

"Yes, you're right."

Bailey just looked at Lexie. Then she smiled and said, "Let's sneak off to the nursery and see that cute bald baby."

"Bald," Lexie laughed. "I bet Mer did get a kick out of that."

Meredith felt like she was swimming up from a deep, dark place. Why the hell couldn't she feel her body? And why was she so thirsty? She tried to swallow but found it difficult. She wanted to go back to sleep and yet - she didn't really want that.

Ian, Ian! Oh my God - if this is what it feels like after giving birth - screw doing this again!

She tried to open her eyes and it felt like they were glued together. Refusing to give up, she tried again and saw Derek sitting beside her. Then she became aware that he was holding her hand tightly. "Derek," she whispered and finally, slowly opened her eyes all the way.

"Meredith," he said, relieved that she was finally waking up. He stood up and then leaned down to kiss her very softly on the lips. "Are you all right?"


"He's great," Derek answered, gently running his thumb along her cheek, tears crowding the corners of his eyes. "He's healthy and adorable."

"And bald," she said and tried to smile.

"And bald," Derek chuckled. "Meredith? How do you feel?"

"Tired, thirsty," she rasped, "but I want to see our baby."

"You will, soon, Here, drink this," he said and held a cup with water and a straw to her lips. She drank slowly, knowing it was the smart thing to do, but drank until her throat stopped hurting.

Just then, the nurse stepped up to examine Meredith. After a few minutes, she wrote a few things in Mer's chart and said she'd have Dr. Chu come right in. After she left, Derek immediately grabbed the chart to read it himself.

"No patience," Meredith teased.

"Damn right," he said with a nod, "when it comes to my wife and our son."

"Our son," she said and smiled. "I want to see him."

"Soon," Derek said again and grinned at her as he shut and replaced her chart. He was finally satisfied that Meredith was going to be all right.

"Now," Meredith demanded. "Derek, go get our son."

Derek grinned and then leaned over to kiss his wife again. This time - a little more passionately. When he pulled back from her lips, he said, "I love you, Meredith Shepherd. I will be more than happy to get Ian for you as soon as Dr. Chu clears you."

"I love you. And I'm fine or you wouldn't be grinning after looking at my chart."

Before Derek could reply, Dr. Chu came in and gave Meredith another examination. A few minutes later she said, "You're doing great, but you are going to need to stay in the hospital for a few days. Three to five days is common after a c-section and you'll be in one of our postpartum suites."

"Yeah," Derek grinned. "Meredith made sure we knew the drill two months ago."

Dr. Chu smiled at Meredith and said, "Let's get you moved so you can see your baby."

"Yes please," Meredith agreed.

"I'm going to have her moved to suite 708 if you want to get your baby and meet us in there," Dr. Chu said to Derek.

He leaned down and kissed Meredith and they smiled at one another. "See you in a few minutes," he said.

"All right," she grinned. "Hurry."

"Bossy," Derek chuckled as he left the recovery room to get Ian from the nursery.

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