Meredith goes completely still in his arms and whispers, "What?"
"Marry me," he repeats and to his astonishment she starts laughing and giving little kisses all over his face. He hugs her tightly and asks, "Is that a 'yes'?"
"Yes," she answers. "Yes Derek, I will marry you." Meredith kisses him again - a quick little peck on the lips. Then she pulls back again and giggles. "I was trying to think of the best way to ask you about us living together when the lease is up on my apartment."
He teases her, "Oh, you want to live together? You don't want to be a married couple living at separate residences?"
"Very funny," she replies. "Derek, we're engaged," she giggles.
"We're almost engaged."
"What? You asked, I said yes, we're engaged."
"Almost," he says again and kisses her as he gets up and carefully carries her inside. He deposits her on the bed with a bouncing flop and she laughs.
"I get it - there has to be engagement sex before it's official."
Derek makes a little acknowledging sound as he pulls open the nightstand drawer and pulls out a little velvet box and sits on the bed with her. "You need this - then the engagement will be official," he says as he opens the little box for her to see the sparkling ring inside.
"Oh my God," Meredith sighs as tears fill her eyes. "You had this planned."
"I knew I wanted to ask you here on Maui when the time was right."
"I mean, asking me to marry you wasn't a spur of the moment thing. You knew in Seattle. You bought a ring..."
"Does it matter?" Derek asks. "Would you have said no if you knew I had bought the ring already - with the intention of asking you here?"
"Of course it wouldn't make a difference. The ring is absolutely gorgeous, Derek."
"I'm glad you like it," he answers with a grin as he pulls it from the box and carefully slips it on her finger. "Lexie will be pleased that we chose well."
"Lexie helped you pick it out?"
"Yes, and thank God she did. Mark was originally going to go with me but then Kathleen freaked me out with stuff about the 4 c's."
"The 4 what?"
"Exactly," Derek laughs and kisses her. "So yeah, Lexie went ring shopping with me. What you're wearing is a 1.25 carat, princess cut, solitaire diamond set in platinum. I know I'm missing a couple of the c's but Lexie assured me..."
"It's perfect," Meredith interrupts Derek. "It's beautiful, sparkly and most important - it's from you and a symbol of the life we want together. I'm not worried about the 4 c's stuff." She leans forward and places her hands on the sides of his face. She gently kisses him, lingering. Then whispers, "I think it's customary to have newly engaged sex."
Derek laughs and pushes her back on the bed. They take their time loving one another - both blissfully happy.
"Derek," Meredith says excitedly as she bursts back into their hotel room later that afternoon. "Are you awake?"
"If I wasn't, I am now," he answers with a laugh.
"Did you have a good nap?"
"It would've been better if you'd been here, but you were to antsy to sleep. You had to go for a walk on the beach. You..."
"Let's get married," she interrupts with a giggle as she throws herself into his arms.
Derek's breath whooshes out of him and he wraps his arms around his beautiful fiancée. He holds her tight and laughs when he can. Then says, "I think our ensuing wedding was established this morning when you accepted that rock on your finger."
"True," she giggles, "but what I mean is now. Maybe not right this minute but while we're here on Maui. Let's turn this vacation into our honeymoon."
After a few moments of shocked silence, Derek asks, "Are you serious?"
"Yes," she answers with conviction and kisses him firmly. "If you really hate the idea I'll let it go, but I really love the idea."
"Really? What about the planning? The guests, a reception, a cake and all of whatever goes along with a wedding? Don't you want all that?"
"It's not that I don't want any of it - I just don't want all of it. What do you want, Derek? This is our wedding, not just mine."
"I want you to be my wife and I want you to be happy. I don't really care what kind of wedding we have as long as we have one and you're pleased with it."
"Okay," Meredith says with a giggle and kisses him again. "I want to get married here. I can't imagine planning a wedding during my Fellowship and I don't really want to plan one anyway. I also don't want to wait to be married to you. I checked, and we can apply for a marriage license at the courthouse. And they perform weddings here on the resort."
"You've been busy," he laughs.
"I have," she answers. "my only concern is our family and friends. Do you think they'll be pissed if we do this?"
"Maybe," he answers with a nod. "We'll make a bunch of phone calls to let people know what we want to do. Tell them if they want to - and if they can - to come next weekend for our wedding."
"Then we'll have eight days for our honeymoon," Meredith giggles.
"Yeah," he laughs.
They both grab their cel phones and start making phone calls. Everyone is completely thrilled about their engagement. And surprisingly, no one bitches about them wanting to get married while on Maui. Molly and Lexie - who Meredith had a three-way call with - want to give them a reception when they get back. Meredith and Derek accept and suggest that Kathleen will want to help them plan it. Naturally, she does. Mark tells Derek there's no way he'd miss the wedding. Everyone else either knows they can't make it or has to check and get back to them.
"We're getting married next week," Derek announces proudly at the end of his last phone call.
"We are," laughs Meredith as she jumps on Derek and kisses him loud and enthusiastically.
"Hello Dr. Bailey.""What do you want?" she snaps as she slams a chart shut and turns to the man beside her.
"I - umm... well," the tall man sputters.
"Spit it out, Sloan."
"Jesus, I'm trying. You are scary at times. Do you know that?"
"I'm scary all the time," she retorts. "And unless you get to the point - I'm walking away now."
"Are you going to be able to make it to Maui for Derek and Meredith's wedding?"
Mark was looking directly at Bailey and still couldn't believe the transformation before him. Everything about her relaxes, her eyes go soft and she gives him a real, huge and genuine smile.
"You have such a soft spot for Shep," Mark states with a smile of his own.
"I do," Bailey agrees. "He's the older brother I never had."
"Yeah," Mark agrees. "I'm glad he and Meredith found one another."
"Me too. And yes, I'm going to Maui. I had to pitch a royal fit with the Chief but he finally relented and gave me three days. I don't know if Tucker and the kids will go, though. It might just be a mini-vacation for Mama."
"Well Mama," Mark says with a huge charming grin, "I'll be happy to be your escort for the wedding."
"I'll take you up on that if my husband doesn't go," Bailey answers and turns to walk away. She turns back and calls, "Sloan?"
"Don't ever call me 'Mama' again."
"Yes Dr. Bailey," Mark grins and turns to walk down the hall.
Bailey shakes her head but smiles and walks in the other direction.

The Seventh Sense is Love
FanficA tragic event happened in Derek's life, which caused him to lose his sight. Can Meredith help Derek through this hard time? I don't own or write the story full credit goes to "Derek&Meredithloveeachother" from the blog "Surgical Language" site Tap...