chapter one

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I grabbed everything I needed and added them into my luggage. Heck I probably just took ten laps around my room and I'm already out of breath. For someone that's been dancing throughout her teenage years, I am definitely not fit.

I left my room with my luggage, running down the stairs as fast as I could with the heavy luggage in my hand. "Harvey! Hurry up or I'll miss my flight," I yelled for my brother as I dropped my suitcase in the living room before heading to the kitchen.

"Oh my God relax! You still have more than 2 hours," I heard him groan as he made it down the stairs. I ignored his comment and quickly made myself a cup of coffee, definitely needing it.

At this point my brother is probably tired of my ways. Always rushing and trying to get things done in one go, when really I should be taking my time. But time doesn't wait for anyone, which is why I'm always chasing it.

I auditioned for a new Netflix series and got accepted rather quickly, and today I was supposed to fly to Canada for the whole process.

This was my first ever official acting gig. And it's a musical. Both of those were definitely something I wanted to do in my life, and I finally got the chance. Not in a million years will I give this up now.

"You know Oceane, I'm not gonna be there to take care of you and make sure you slow down once in a while," Harvey said, sitting down by the kitchen counter in front of me.

"And that makes me kinda worried," he said again. I let out a sigh, putting my mug down.

"Harvey, I'll be fine. I'll make sure not to get too caught up and I will call you often," I said to him with a small smile.

"Oh you better. I'm just worried about ya, we've never been apart since... you know," he shrugged at the last part, looking down at his hands.

We've never been apart since our parents died.

"I know, I know but I'll be fine. We'll both be fine. And I know you're needing this break from my constantly anxious ass," I joked a little, taking a sip of my coffee and he cracked a chuckle.

"You're my responsibility Des, but yes I do need that break," he joked a little as well and we both laughed.

"Okay, c'mon let's go. You'll miss your flight," he said, standing up and I nodded. I quickly left my mug in the sink, knowing Harvey can quickly clean that later.

I looked around the house one last time as my brother went to put my luggage in the car. I inhaled deeply, knowing this opportunity was definitely gonna change my life in some way.

First it was taking me out of this city for the first time in the past 6 years. After getting a good look around at the place I'd be leaving for the next 6 months, I headed outside and joined my brother.

We were in the car, simply jamming and singing along to any song that was playing on the radio. I'm gonna miss this, hanging out and having fun with my brother.

Bullying him was something I was gonna miss the most though.

"Okay, here we are," my brother said, parking nearby the entrance of the airport.

We both got out of the car and he helped take my luggage out before we headed inside. He insisted to send me all the way in.

"Call me the moment you land okay?" Harvey reminded and I nodded.

"I know. It's gonna be a long flight though but don't worry about me, I'll be fine," I told him.

Of course he'll worry anyways. We only had each other, and now I was leaving him. For the longest time in a while.

"Don't forget to tell Tanya I'll miss her," I told him and he nodded.

Tanya, my childhood best friend. She was like another sister to us now, and unfortunately she can't make it to send me to the airport today.

But it's fine, I'm not about to stop everyone's lives just to get to mine.

"Hey," my brother called out and I hummed in response.

He let out a sigh before pulling into a tight hug as I chuckled, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm gonna miss you bub," I whispered, hiding my face in his shoulder.

"I'm gonna miss you too," I heard him whisper back and a tear slipped from my eye.

This was gonna be hard, but we both knew it was gonna be worth it.

"6 months and you'll be back to annoying me, I'm pretty sure I can handle," he joked, breaking the hug and I laughed.

"Just don't call me crying that you missed me," I chuckled, playfully punching his chest.

"Bye Harvey," I said, taking my luggage as he waved his hand at me with a soft smile. "Bye Des."

I smiled as he called me by my middle name, and he's the only one to do that.

Well, now he's the only one.

I walked away, heading to board the plane.

Time to chase my dreams.

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now