chapter three

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My heart kept beating faster and faster as we got deeper into the venue. I saw the place they used for dance, and right behind it was where the band was supposed to rehearse.

"Don't fret Oceane, you'll be fine," Tony said in attempt to slightly calm my nerves. "I hope so," I chuckled, letting out a shaky breath.

"Is that Oceane Maynard?" I heard a voice call out from behind us and we turned around.

I felt my heart in my throat.

"Oh yes! You're here, welcome!" Kenny smiled, giving me a warm welcome as he quickly made his way to us.

He opened his arms for a hug which I gladly gave him. Suddenly I felt my nerves wash over slowly. Maybe this wasn't that bad after all.

"Hi," I shyly let out with a small laugh.

"The girl's been a nervous wreck throughout the whole drive here," Tony said, causing Kenny to let out a laugh as I chuckle.

"Don't be, you're amazingly talented. Now come, I wanna introduce you to the others," Kenny said as put his arm around my shoulder, leading me to the lounge area.

Everyone who was sitting around there looked up, all eyes landing on me and I give out a soft smile.

"This is Oceane, she'll be playing as Kiarra, Alex's cousin, remember?" he said to them.

"The one who's a phantom as well?" a guy with blonde hair asked and Kenny nodded.

"Well then, hello! I'm Madison and I'll be playing as Julie," a young girl with black curly hair approached me with a sweet smile which I happily returned.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I smiled and she offered me a hug. All these hugs I'm about to get today is pretty helpful for my nerves, not gonna lie.

"Hi I'm Owen."

"I'm Jeremy, you can just call me Jer."

"I'm Savannah."

"I'm Jadah."

"I'm Sacha."

"I'm Tori."

After a round of hugs and knowing their names, I realized there wasn't much to be worried about. These people were nice, and I found out Tori was the assistant choreographer. So young yet so talented.

Madison is 15. Freaking 15 and she's about to carry the whole show– oh and this is her first gig! Kinda like me but she's so much younger.

"Wait– where's Charlie?" I heard Jeremy ask and they all looked around, shrugging.

"He had to leave early, some family things apparently," Paul said to them.

Paul Becker, director and also choreographer for the show. He'll be directing a few episodes apparently, and honestly he seems really nice.

"Okay then, we're done for today so maybe if everyone's free we can all have dinner tonight? Get to know our new addition here," Kenny said, nodding at me.

"Oh yes!" Savannah exclaimed. Everyone agreed and they seemed so excited, making me just as excited.

"Hold on Oceane, gimme your number. You have to be in the groupchat," Jadah said, walking over to me as I chuckled.

"Alright then," I said, taking her phone and saving my number in it. Right when I gave it back to her, I felt mine buzz in my pocket.

I took it out and checked my notifications, finding that I've just been added to a groupchat.

"Julie and the possessed ones? Really?" I questioned their name choice with a chuckle and they shrugged.

"You haven't seen how chaotic we can get," Owen sighed. "And that I can guarantee, we can get very chaotic," Sacha said, causing us all to laugh.

"Okay I texted Charlie about the dinner and he can't make it. Looks like you'll be meeting him tomorrow Oceane," Jeremy said to me and I nodded, still unaware about who this Charlie person is.

•°. *࿐

"Tonight was fun guys," I said, still laughing as we all walked out of the restaurant.

We just finished dinner and got to know each other better. And I'm slowly finding out about how chaotic this group can be, yet I'm here for it.

"I feel like she's gonna be the only braincell in this group," Jadah joked, causing us to erupt into laughter again.

"That would be accurate," Owen laughed.

Since we're all living in the same apartment building, except we're on separate floors, we all headed home together. I exited the elevator first since the rest of them were on the floor right above of mine.

"Bye," I waved quickly.

"Bye, goodnight," they all said to me before the elevator door closes again, and I turned around, walking to my place.

I rampaged my bag for my keys, bumping into something hard in the process which caused me to drop my keys.

"I'm so sorry," I heard the man in front of me speak as he reached down to get my keys.

"It's fi–"

I felt my words get stuck in my throat the moment my eyes got a clear view of his face. Our eyes locked, and I felt my stomach make a twist.

Those damn eyes.

He seemed to have been frozen as well, 'cause his eyes became fixated on me but he didn't say a word.

I looked down and saw my keys in his hands, grabbing it quickly before walking past him.

"Wait– Des?" I heard his voice call out and I gulped. Nope, not today.

I ignored him and walked straight to my apartment.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
oop– 👀

so looks like oceane and the cast are getting along, what bout charlie? the guy she bumped into?? hmmm

anyways, don't forget to vote! also maybe comment some feedback, that'll be nice ❤

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