chapter twenty three

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I stood in front of the stones that now marked where my parents were going to be for pretty much eternity. I stared blankly, barely feeling anything. I had cried way too much and hard since I saw the car burst into flames in front of me that I lost the strength and will to even cry anymore. I was numb and my eyes were dry.

I felt soft drizzles of rain fall onto my head and exposed skin, before feeling a slight shadow come over and cover my head. I turned to my left, only to find Charlie standing there with an umbrella over both of our heads.

"Everyone already left, Tanya and your brother are waiting at the car," he said gently, as if he was scared that if he used the wrong tone, I'd break.

One thing I've always loved about the boy next to me. Always so gentle and considerate, never too pushy. He somehow always knew what to say and when to say it. He cared for me and loved me in ways no one else did, not that my brother and best friend didn't care. But Charlie, he's different.

Which is why leaving him is going to be difficult. But it'll be for the better.


I just finished filming another scene and I found myself sprawled on the couch in my trailer before I'm needed back on set in 20 minutes. Harvey and Tanya had just left back to London, both having to go back to their work.

And now I'm alone, with the million random thoughts in my head.

For whatever reason, all I've been thinking about was the accident. The studio we were filming at was literally right across the street where it happened. And I can't help but watch it replay it over and over again in front of my eyes.

The sound of the honk that caught my attention. The sight of the car already being flipped over and before I could reach to my father's hand that was very much bloody and hanging out of the window, it burst right into flames.

Thankfully, my thoughts were interrupted by my phone chiming, a notification popping up on the screen.

charles_gillespie is now live!

I chuckled softly, tapping onto the notification. Almost immediately, his face dominated my whole screen while the comments were flooded with fans.

"Someone wake Oceane up so she can come on live with me. Madison is sleeping and the boys are boring," he said, his bottom lip puckering up into a pout and I chuckled.

user i'm pretty sure she joined earlier


oceanemaynard I'M HERE IDIOT

oceanemaynard ADD ME

Charlie's lip curled into a smile when he noticed my comments, instantly tapping on the screen and accepting my request to join. The screen was automatically cut into half as my face was now on the bottom half.

He cheered and my eyes widened before I cringed and pulled the phone further away from me.

"That was way too close to my face— BUT HI!" I exclaimed.

"You're alive!"

"I am! I'm like seconds away from sleeping but you interrupted me so whatever," I shrugged before laughing.

"I did not! You're the only one I tolerate in this forest of demons that other people would call a 'cast'," he joked and I slapped my hand over my mouth, holding in a laugh.

"Nah you love me, there's no way you just 'tolerate' me, Gillespie,"

"Debatable," he shrugged and I playfully gasped, placing a hand on my chest as I got up and sat in front of my dressing table to set my phone so I won't have to hold it anymore.

"Kidding! Kidding— well I don't hate you so—"

"Charlie you say one more word and I will fly to your trailer and hit you,"

"You can't fly Des—"

"Wanna bet?"

I gave him a joking glare as he put his hands up in a surrender. "Anyways, what were you doing?" he asked.

"Oh yanno, just thinking," I shrugged, propping my elbow on the vanity as I then rested my chin in my hand.

"About what? Me?" he wiggled his eyebrows and I scoffed.

"You wish," I rolled my eyes but a small smile tugged onto my lips as I read the comments.

user not them flirting on a live—

user nah but this would be A POWER COUPLE

owenjoyner what are u two doing jeez

"We're cooking Joyner obviously," I rolled my eyes before both me and Charlie burst into laughter.

themadisonreyes y'all just date already bye ✋

user OH so there is SOMETHING???

"Guys I— there's nothing," I chuckled and shook my head when I read the comments.

I saw Charlie lean forward to read the comments before smiling slightly.

"Mads is tryna play cupid here, as usual," I added.

"I mean she's failing but who needs her anyways?" Charlie said and I snickered.

savannahleemay get off this live and come eat before they call for you again

"Ooh food!" Charlie exclaimed and I let out a small laugh.

"Of course it's the food that gets your attention,"

"What can I say? It's the real girlfriend," he shrugged and I smiled.

We said bye to the fans before ending the live. I picked up my stuff and headed towards crafty, seeing Savannah and Sacha both sitting there as they ate.

"Heyo!" I called, sitting down next to Savannah.

"Ah great! You're done flirting now let's eat," she said, giving me a plate with some food.

"I don't know what you're talking about but I'm hungry so whatever," I rambled, digging into my food. "Who's filming right now?"

"Owen and Booboo. I think later on they're gonna have you and the boys film with him too," Sacha responded.

"Okie dokes."

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡i found these two pictures and idk i felt like it fit and i just felt the NEED to edit it like that for this chapter bye— 😭

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✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
i found these two pictures and idk i felt like it fit and i just felt the NEED to edit it like that for this chapter bye— 😭

we gonna pretend that the background for the two pictures are actually their trailers/dressing rooms yeah okay thanks hehe

also don't steal it ✋

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now