chapter four

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What is he doing here? Why is he here? Does he live here? Like in this very building?

Oh God, just when I thought I was going into a new environment- I meet him.

I threw a handful of water on my face, feeling a little bit more fresh- although I just got out of the shower. I dried myself up, getting dressed in some leggings and a crop top which I topped with a flannel before heading to the kitchen.

I need to be at boot camp in an hour so I kinda have time. I make myself a cup of coffee and some biscuits, just so I don't go out with an empty stomach.

I took my phone and texted my brother to tell him about everything. Except I excluded the little encounter last night.

My mind was still lingering on that. He looked different, he looked good. Then again I haven't seen him in 6 years. His hair was sort of long and a little messy, as usual. He looked a little bit more tough now, unlike before with his skinny self.

But those hazel eyes. Never changed. Not like it physically could but the look in his eyes was still the same. Still so gentle and sweet.

Wait no. No, Oceane. You don't know him anymore.

He's probably changed a lot in the past 6 years. Even I have. So of course he has too.

I snapped myself back to reality and quickly washed my mug before grabbing my bag and keys. Tony should be downstairs by now, and he would be sending me to the rehearsal space.

I walked out of my apartment and locked it, heading for the elevator. I got in and pressed the ground floor button.

"Wait-" I heard a voice call out and instinctively I pressed the button to hold the door open. Bad idea.

Him again. He looked stunned, stopping right in front of the door.

"You coming in or no?" I almost winced at how bitchy that sounded.

He cleared his throat and nodded, stepping into the elevator next to me, keeping a distance. I focused on the small screen that was showing the floors as it decreased ever so slowly.

Six floors felt like six hundred.

The door opened and I saw everyone else waiting at the lobby. Their heads all turned to us as I walked right out and over to where they were.

"Ah Charlie! Good to know you're here too," Kenny said, patting the same boy that I held the elevator for.

Wait. This is that Charlie?

"So, Oceane this is Charlie and Charlie this is Oceane," Jeremy introduced us and I felt my hands froze.

Charlie's eyes landed on me and I forced myself to look at him, plastering a smile. "Hi."

"Hi," he nodded, giving me the same smile.

Of course. It just had to be him.

"He'll be playing Luke in the show by the way," Savannah told me and I couldn't even hide my surprise.

He's part of the band, I thought to myself. "Oh cool," I managed to let out, trying to not show any tension whatsoever.

"Okay then, should we get going?" Kenny asked and we all nodded. "We're taking two cars today, Mads, Oceane and the phantoms in one while the rest of us in the other one."

Oh crap.

I felt Madison link her arm with mine and I sent her a smile which she returned happily before we both walked together to the car. Mr. Reyes was with us as well, since Madison needs a parent with her.

We got in and I settled next to the girl, Owen and Jeremy taking a seat in front of us with Mr. Reyes. Which meant Charlie had to be next to me.

"So Oceane, you've been in London all this while right?" Jeremy asked and I nodded.

"Wait hold on we forgot about this last night- are you English?" Owen asked and I chuckled.

"Well technically yes, I'm Geordie but then I grew up here before moving to London 6 years ago with my brother," I explained to them.

"You don't exactly have much of an accent- but I'm lowkey glad," Madison joked and I laughed.

"Trust me if I get into my Geordie accent you would not be able to understand me," I said and they laughed, nodding.

The whole time I felt Charlie looking my way every now and then, but I kept quiet. I kept my cool, no flipping or showing any awkwardness- no matter how awkward it felt.

This was definitely the longest car ride I've been through in a while now.

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now