chapter thirty one

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It had been over three months since the cast of Julie and The Phantoms parted ways. Today though, everyone flew in to London just for a little reunion. Everyone being Charlie, Owen, Jeremy, Madison, Savannah, Jadah and Sacha since the others couldn't make it. While they were going for the 'reunion', they decided why not take time for a little vacation as well?

Oceane offered to let them stay in her home, considering they had quite a lot of rooms for only her and Harvey. Some would have to share, but they were fine with that.

Now, they were all sitting in the living room of the Maynard household, catching up on everything that's happened in the last few months. If you thought Charlie and Oceane would've possibly been a thing by now; no balls. They both never revealed their feelings, even though they're already acting like a couple— always have been.

"We should get ready for that dinner tonight," Harvey said and everyone agreed. The boy had gotten them dinner reservations and it was almost dark out.

Everyone left to their rooms, the girls ending up taking their stuff to Oceane's so they could get ready together.

•°. *࿐

"You know you should just tell her," Owen whispered into Charlie's ears when he noticed that Oceane had her attention on the girls on her left.

Charlie was seated on her right, Owen next to him. The boy turned to his blonde friend, raising an eyebrow.

"Everyone can see it, why are you guys still beating around the bush? Address the elephant in the room and make it official," Jeremy chimed in quietly, leaning over the table slightly since he was sat across from Owen.

"Nothing wrong if you just tell him Osh," Savannah whispered to the girl, getting a kick from the blonde girl.

"And ruin everything? I'd rather not," Oceane scoffed, pushing some of her hair over her shoulder.

"What is there to ruin? There's clearly something going on there, you both just need a little push," Madison said as well.

With the way both parties were engaged in conversation, neither could hear each other as they were too busy debating on the same topic. Harvey was next to Savannah, obviously on the girl's side of the situation.

"If you don't take her I will," Sacha playfully threatened, earning a death glare in response.

"You're a minor," Charlie scoffed as he shrugged.

"I turn 18 pretty soon," the boy responded and laughed the moment Charlie gave him a look that could send him six feet under.

"You've always loved him, Des. He's helped you through a lot. Your eating disorder, our parents, and I trust him. You're not gonna get an easy pass for anyone else from me," Harvey added, leaning forward slightly so he could see his sister from beside Savannah.

"Right, learn from these two," Jadah said as well, gesturing to the girl's brother and Savannah. "They straight up admitted their feelings and got together. You can do that too," she said in a low voice, knowing Oceane would murder her if she was being too loud.

"Just take a chance," Savannah stated.

"You know she's worth the risk," Jeremy pointed out.

•°. *࿐

It was their third day in London, and Oceane brought them to Tower Bridge since they wanted some photos. The view was pretty as well considering the fact that the sky was now a dusty pink, the blue slowly drowning out as it all started to turn into a light purple.

They walked through the pathways, stopping for pictures and some content for the instagram stories. While they were walking, Charlie subconsciously slipped his hand into Oceane's who noticed, but didn't feel the need to let go. Instead, she held it in hers tightly as they walked a little closer next to each other.

They weren't too far away from the rest of their friends, the two stopping a few feet away just so the rest of them won't be able to eavesdrop at least. Oceane stood over the side, leaning her elbows on the top of the railing as Charlie mirrored her.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Oceane asked, her eyes focusing on the view in front of her.

"It really is," he said, but he wasn't entirely referring to their surroundings as he had a different view; her.

The girl leaned down slightly as she folded her arms on the surface, leaning her chin onto it as she stared right back at him. He gave her a shy smile, almost flustered by the way she was looking at him and she smiled at the thought of having that kind of effect on him.

"I love you," she blurted. Charlie did a double take, his head snapping at her as his mouth parted and his eyes widened the slightest bit with his eyebrows raised. Realizing what she just said, she straightened up quickly, trying to maintain her composure.

Where the hell did that confidence come from?

"I— what?" he asked softly, not really believing his ears.

Oceane inhaled deeply, before finally turning on her heel to properly face him. Her right elbow was propped onto the railing, her blue eyes crashing into his hazel ones that held nothing but adoration and pure love for the girl standing in front of him.

"I love you, Charlie," she let out, "always have and always will. You'd think that after 6 years of being here and far from you I would forget about you and get over it but no. I thought I did, but seeing you again that day in the hallways of our apartment building— it all came back. It reminded me of all the times we had together, all the laughs and tears and— and hugs, everything that was missing from my life all those years, they all came back."

She had tears in her eyes, suddenly feeling an overwhelming burst of emotions in her chest. It wasn't necessarily sadness, it was just a mix of unexplainable feelings. She was never really one to let out her feelings much, yet here she was, completely breaking down her walls in front of Charlie.

"I've loved you, since you came up to me in that park when we were literal toddlers. I've loved you since you serenaded me with your guitar when I got dumped by that stupid guy in middle school. I've loved you since you tried to murder me by shoving down your weird food combos in my throat," she said the last part and they both let out chuckles.

Her eyes were glossy, but the tears never came, thankfully. But her cheeks were probably gonna end up cramping from all the smiling, both of them.

Charlie's heart felt full. That was something he'd been waiting to hear for years, coming from the blonde girl's mouth. He never thought the day would come, but it did. Right here, right now.

"I fell for you Charles, and I'm still falling," she said softly, taking one small step closer to the boy.

He looked deeply into her eyes, his lips curling into a smile as his hand made its way to cup her cheek. The girl leaned into his touch, feeling an explosion of fireworks in her stomach.

"And I'm right here, catching you," his voice was soft, but enough to make the girl's heart beat so fast it was about to escape her chest.

He didn't waste any time before leaning down slightly and connecting their lips as they both melted into each other's touch. This one wasn't exactly like the others, instead this was filled with passion and love. They took their time, it wasn't rushed and sloppy. Pulling away for air, his arms made their way around her as he pulled her closer.

Her hands were wrapped around his neck, both still holding eye contact.

"I love you, Des. More than you'll ever know."

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
I WAS SMILING SO MUCH AND SCREAMING LOWKEY— writing this chapter made me happy 🥰

here we have it folks, choceane is real :D

pretty sure we hv one more chap left 🥺

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