chapter five

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We made our way into the rehearsal space, all of us deciding to chill in the lounge area before rehearsals. I watched as Oceane and Tori talked, probably about dance but who knows.

She looked different, but in a good way. She looked a lot more matured, not that she wasn't before. But she finally let her natural curls show, and she barely had makeup on.

She was literally glowing.

"Okay guys, I know I said boot camp was only for 5 weeks, but I'm extending it one more week because there's something I wanna add," Kenny said, approaching us all.

"What's that?" I asked, curious.

"Well I did some digging and found out Oceane over here, can dance," he said, looking over at the blonde girl. Damn right she can.

"I– what? No I don't," she chuckled nervously, running her fingers through her hands.

"Yes you do, I found videos of you dancing. Don't ask where," Kenny quickly said and I chuckled.

"I saw you freestyle and all so I thought maybe you and Tori could just vibe around and put that into a dance," he said again.

I saw Oceane get slightly nervous, it really showed on her face. Until Savannah opened her mouth.

"Wait that's a great idea!" she said.

"Oh nah I don't think so. I haven't danced since I was like, 15," Oceane said and for some reason I felt bad.

15. That was when her parents died.

"You should just try," I let out, not quite sure if she would even wanna hear me talk to her. But then her blue eyes landed on me. I cleared my throat, thinking of what else to say.

"I mean think about it, maybe it would give everything an extra kick," I shrugged.

"Yeah I'm with Charlie on this one. Let's see whatchu got," Madison said as well.

"Okay we'll show you the dance for 'Wow' by Dirty Candy and then maybe you can add something," Tori suggested.

"Maybe you should join the choreography," Savannah suggested as well.

"I mean, I guess?" the blonde shrugged.

Savannah squealed, throwing her arms around Oceane who simply laughed and followed them to the dance floor.

They showed her a video of the choreography before guiding her through the steps.

"She picks up the steps so quickly– how?" Sacha exclaimed and I chuckled.

"If she's been dancing throughout her teen years then it shouldn't be a problem," I shrugged.

"She's good though, she's got like a natural flow," Jadah said and everyone else agreed.

My eyes were stuck on her, as she casually danced to the music, letting it take control of her feet.


Who would've thought I'd be dancing again. But here I am.

The choreography was pretty simple and I easily picked up, improvising here and there. Tori and Savannah joined me and pretty much followed my lead, which ended up changing a few pieces of the choreography.

"That went a lil far off," I chuckled turning to Kenny and the others after the music died out.

"No I liked that, I think we should keep it," he said as I pulled my leggings up a little.

My hands went to pick my flannel up, since I took it off before we danced and put it back on.

I listened as Paul directed us on the choreography, telling us which part to keep and which part to just ignore. Since my character's a phantom as well, Savannah has to pretend she doesn't see me as we dance.

"I hate how first I have to pretend that Owen isn't dancing with me and now it's Oceane? Please she's such an amazing dancer that I feel like this is gonna be hard," Savannah said and I laughed, wrapping my arms around her.

"Okay I think now we can go to band rehearsals, right guys?" Kenny suggested and the boys and Madison let out whooping sounds as they cheered.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
this was type random but hello :D

i just wanna say this, if u guys are reading pls at least vote. it means a lot to me and it kinda lets me know if everything's going alright. so if u could just vote on each chapter that would mean a lot 🥺 thank u <3

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