chapter sixteen

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We were on set, getting ready to film a scene in Julie's garage. We were quickly running through our lines, both Madison and Oceane were doing this scene with us as well.

"What were his other hits?" I asked, acting out my script.

"Get Lost," Madison responded, peeking at her script as I flipped through mine.

"Yeah, I wrote that."

"Long Weekend?" she questioned.

"Luke wrote that one too," Jeremy said.

"Crooked Teeth?" Madison asked, her voice a slightly higher pitch.

"That too," Owen said.

"It was about Reggie," Oceane read her line, setting her script down.

"What? I thought it was about Alex! I don't like that song anymore," Jeremy grunted.

"Okay guys, you ready?" Kenny said and we all nodded, putting our scripts away.

"Places!" he called out and we took our positions, us three in front of Madison as she sat by her keyboard while Oceane was a little further next to her.

"And action!"

"Maybe you mixed it up, with another song," Alex shrugged.

"I don't mix up songs. Trust me," Julie said, waving her index finger.

"Me and his daughter used to be best friends, I used to hang out at their place all the time. I know that song."

"Okay," Alex muttered, shooting a look to Luke and Kiarra.

"Here, I'll prove it. His first album had a bunch of hits but none of his latest stuff is as good," Julie said, grabbing her laptop and putting it to face them. The phantoms looked at the screen, barely believing their eyes.

"Woah, that's Bobby," Alex said, bumping his hand onto Reggie's chest.

"I just told you his name was Trevor," Julie sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah well he changed it okay? That's Bobby," Kiarra stated.

"He was our rhythm guitarist," Alex said as well.

Julie gave them a weird look, barely believing a word they just said.

"Julie, what were his other hits?" Luke asked, stepping back.

"Get Lost."

"Yeah, I wrote that," Luke grunted, taking his guitar off and walking to the darts.

"Long Weekend?"

"Luke wrote that one too," Reggie said as Luke took the darts off of the board and started throwing them one by one.

"Crooked Teeth?" Julie asked again, looking around.

"That too," Alex let out. "It was about Reggie," Kiarra sighed.

"What? I thought it was about Alex! I don't like that song anymore," Reggie whined, turning around.

"Cut!" Kenny yelled and we all stopped, letting out a laugh that we clearly had to hold throughout filming.

"Crooked Teeth," Owen teased Jeremy who simply laughed.

"Okay I think that's it for today guys," Kenny concluded and we all headed out of the garage set.

"Hey Oceane!" I called out and she turned around, slowing her pace so I could catch up. "What's up?" she asked.

"So everyone else has plans tonight and I don't know what to do. Are you free?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck as we walked together.

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