chapter twenty one

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I was just sitting in my trailer, and it was getting pretty boring. I got out and got onto the empty set of the garage, where there was a keyboard. They won't be able to hear me from here, so I won't be interrupting any filming in progress.

I started playing some notes I had learned. Thanks to Madison, it was getting pretty easier to learn. And I was a fast learner.

Dancing with your silhouette
In the places that we met
Ooh, tryna find you in the moon
Paris never feels the same
When the streets all call your name
Ooh, so I hide in crowded rooms

I sang some words that came to mind as I kept playing some other notes, a song slowly coming together. Thankfully I put my phone on record, so at least I could note it all down later.

And I'll follow, right down the river
Where the ocean meets the sky
To you, to you

Once upon a time we had it all
Somewhere down the line we went and lost it
One brick at a time, we watched it fall
I'm broken here tonight
And darling, no one else can fix me
Only you

I stopped suddenly, feeling tears in the brim of my eyes. Guess I got really into my head.

"That sounded great," I heard a voice causing me to jump in my seat, quickly stopping my video recording.

"I– well, thanks," I mutter, blinking a few times to stop the tears from earlier.

"You okay?" he asked gently, slowly making his way to sit on the bench next to me.

I shrugged, looking down at my hands that were on my lap. I felt him scooch closer, before feeling an arm wrap around my shoulder.

I saw his hand hanging over my left shoulder, so I leaned closer into him while locking my fingers with his. I felt comfortable, and even at peace. Even after all this years, that kind of feeling never changed.

"Wanna go see the others?" he asked after a moment of silence and I nodded. Charlie stood up before offering his hand to me, which I gladly took.

I laced our fingers together as we made our way outside, where everyone else was. Madison and Jadah weren't here though, so I guess they were filming inside.

But I do know who's here.

"I know what you're thinking," I heard Charlie say to me and I looked up, raising my eyebrow at him.

"You don't want Harvey and Sav, do you?" he chuckled, pulling me closer into him to make sure I couldn't go anywhere.

"I mean, I don't know. I guess they're cute but..." my sentence faded out, not quite sure what I should tell him.

Why was I so worried about my brother having a crush on Savannah? Owen and Tanya too.

"Sister instincts I'd say," Charlie pointed out and I shrugged, nodding.

"Ya know, instead of focusing on them maybe you could focus on something else," he shrugged.

I turned back to him. "Like what?"


Before I could question his choice of words, Kenny called him over. And it was as if he just got pulled out a burning car, he sprinted over to the man.

I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly feeling cold after I felt his warmth leave my body. Us? What did he mean by that? What us was he even talking about?


Saved by the bell.

Why did I say that? I mentally cursed myself as I made my way to Kenny.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked. "I want Perfect Harmony on the show," he said.

I looked at him, a small smile on my face as I was still in slight disbelief. "Really?"

He nodded, smiling at me. "We were thinking of putting it into a dance sequence, Julie's lil fantasy scene. So that would mean you're gonna have to dance," Kenny told me.

I nodded, listening. "I was thinking maybe Oceane could help Louise choreograph that," he thought out loud, a finger pressed to his lips as he stared into the distance.

"I'm sure she'd love to," I guessed. That put a smile on his face. "Do you mind telling her the news? I have to go check on Madi and Jadah inside," he told me and I nodded.

"Yeah yeah, of course," I said and he thanked me with a pat on my back before leaving.

I turned on my heel, looking at Oceane. I had the widest smile on my face as I ran up to her and picked her up.

"Oh!" she let out a squeal before giggling as I spun her around in the air. People were definitely watching, but I couldn't care less.

"Guess what?" I said, finally putting her down. "What?" she asked with a small laugh as she rested her hands on my shoulders.

"Kenny wants Perfect Harmony on the show!" I said excitedly and she slapped a hand over her mouth.

"You're kidding?" she said and I shook my head, grinning. "Oh my God! That's awesome!" she exclaimed, jumping back into my arms.

"Also, he wants you to help choreograph a dance with Louise," I said, once she pulled away.

I could see her eyes light up with excitement and she let out a squeal while jumping up and down.

I could see her eyes light up with excitement and she let out a squeal while jumping up and down

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✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
had to include that gif of pezza coz she's so baybee 🥺🥺

also, about the luke fic; it's not connected to this book in any way (just to tell y'all coz the fc for the lead girl is still perrie hehe) so yeah

so tempted to just drop it but i'm scared i'd accidentally lose interest 😭 i'll keep pre writing more before i drop it tho, maybe towards the end of this book idk we'll see 👀

anyways, hope y'all are liking it so far! <3

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