chapter twenty

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Harvey and Tanya were staying with me so they followed me and Charlie onto our floor. I didn't even realise it, but the whole time on our way home me and Charlie had our hands locked, neither of us letting go.

"And this is my stop, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow," Charlie said, stopping in front of his door. I gave him a quick hug and a soft peck on his cheek before pulling away.

"Goodnight," I said and he returned it, a soft smile on his face.

"Night Charlie," both Harvey and Tanya said to him, in which he nodded before entering his apartment as I unlocked mine.

"You didn't tell me Charlie was your cast mate," Harvey pointed out once were inside. I shrugged. "Must've slipped my mind."

"So you guys are cool now? I mean, I thought you didn't wanna talk about him, much less talk to him," Tanya said, sitting down on the couch.

I let out a soft sigh, sitting on a separate couch. "Things changed. We both grew up and we talked about it. So yeah, we're pretty alright now," I said simply, not in the current mood to talk too much about it.

"Did ya tell him everything or was it just a quick summary?" Harvey asked. "The latter. Just important stuff," I sighed.

"Anyways!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together at the one chance I get to drop the topic. "Let's get you guys settled in."

•°. *࿐

I woke up the next morning, Tanya still asleep on the other side of my bed. I got out slowly, careful not to wake her up before getting into the shower quickly and getting dressed.

After I was done, I went out to the my living room and just sat on the couch, going through my phone.

"Good morning," I heard my brother yawn and I chuckled. "Morning."

"I see a keyboard in the corner. Since when do you play?" Harvey asked, walking over to the kitchen counter to get himself a cup of coffee.

"It's been there, and I've been tryna learn," I shrugged. "It's fun honestly, and Madi helped a lot too."

"Ah cool," he nodded. Right on time, Tanya walked out of the room, looking all fresh and dressed for the day. "Well aren't you excited?" I chuckled.

"It's gonna be my first time visiting an actual set. Of course I'm excited," the girl said with a shrug as she settled next to me.

"Harv, if you're ready we can go now," I told my brother who nodded.

I sent a quick text to Tony to come and pick us up, and he was downstairs at the lobby within 10 minutes.

•°. *࿐

"Good morning," I sang as I held a cup of coffee in my hand that I got from the coffee machine while walking towards craft services with Harvey and Tanya.

"Hey sunshine," Charlie smiled at me as I took a seat next to him.

My eyes landed on my best friend, who was currently talking to Owen. I watched them, my eyes darting back and forth between their faces.

"Do you think–" I was about to ask my brother, only to find him staring somewhere else. I followed his gaze, finding that he was looking at Savannah.

"Oh no," I muttered, literally face palming.

"What's up?" Madison asked. I looked at Owen and Tanya before looking at Harvey. The others seemed to have caught on, all letting out choruses of 'oh's.

I cleared my throat loudly, trying to gain their attention. That didn't work. So instead I smacked the table, causing both my brother and best friend– Owen included, to turn their attentions to me.

"Hm what?" Tanya asked, blinking a few times. "I brought y'all here for fun, but y'all seem to be having fun, huh?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at the two of them.

"We were just talking," Owen said softly, shrugging as he scratched the back of his neck. I narrowed my eyes at him, but shifted my attention to my brother.

"And you were just watching," I said to him. He leaned back in his chair, whistling as he looked anywhere but me.

"Oh lord, not my best friend," I grunted, stomping my feet as I whined. "My cast mate and my brother's hitting on my best friends, how great."

"Hey! Why am I not in the best friend category?" Owen pouted, nudging me.

"Because you're hitting on my wife," I said, "and you're hitting on my other wife," I pointed to my brother.

"And you're hitting on my best friend!" Owen exclaimed. I raised my eyebrow at him, but then it hit me.

Of course he thinks Charlie and me– ugh!

"Oh– right back at ya," Jeremy teased, drinking from his water bottle and I shot him a glare.

"Whatever, I'll be in my trailer," I sighed, getting up. "Uh, let's not do anything indecent here okay?" I said again, causing Tanya to throw an empty plastic mineral water bottle my way– which I successfully dodged.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
y'aaaalll currently crafting a luke book for you guys, trust me i hv sm luke drafts coz i never like how they turned out after like a few chapters but i'm currently writing one and let's hope i like it lmao

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now