chapter two

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After a long, long flight from London, I finally landed in Vancouver, Canada. It felt different to be back here, but then again I only lived in London since my parents died. Before that I was here, with them and my brother.

I rolled my luggage to the entrance of the airport, sunglasses and hat on because I look like an absolute mess.

I walked outside and looked around before checking my phone. Someone was supposed to come pick me up, and right when I looked up from my phone a black sedan pulled up.

"Miss Oceane Maynard?" a man dressed up nicely in a button up shirt and some slacks greeted me when he got out of the driver's seat.

I smiled and nodded, "Please, just call me Oceane." The man offered me a sweet smile and nodded.

"I'm Tony and I was sent to drive you to your apartment. The rest of your cast mates live in the same building as well," he explained.

"May I?" he asked, reaching out for my luggage and I nodded, thanking him.

"Also, if you don't mind Kenny wants to see you right after you keep your stuff in the apartment," he informed.

Then it was like every braincell in my head started connecting again. Right, I'm gonna be working with Kenny Ortega. Kenny. Freaking. Ortega.

"Any tips before I go see him?" I jokingly asked as I got into the backseat.

"Well, just be you. Trust me, he's a great and nice guy," Tony said to me and I nodded, smiling.

I relaxed a little through the car ride, it wasn't that long but it felt pretty long. I looked around, some things have changed since I last came here. So many memories, good and bad.

And not to mention Tony is such a sweet and warm man. He reminds me a lot of my dad, the way he talks and acts. Might be my new comfort person, since he's gonna be driving me- or maybe us, for certain occasions.

It was drizzling slightly, but what's new? It's Vancouver. I looked out the window, watching everyone live their lives.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw the park my parents would take me and my brother to. The times we would argue over ice cream, the happy days.

We drove further away from there, and stopped outside a building. "We're here Oceane," he said, smiling at me through the rear mirror.

I got out of the car and looked around me, feeling small raindrops drop on my hand. Thankfully I have my hat on. The place was cute, aesthetically pleasing in fact.

"This is where you'll be staying the whole time you're here," Tony said to me, rolling my luggage next to him. "Shall we?"

I followed behind him as we made our way to the elevator. "Here's your keys," he said, giving me a set of keys while we were going up.

"Two rooms, two showers. I think you'll be alright," he said and I nodded. "Sounds perfect," I said.

We went up to the sixth floor and took a left, heading to my unit. I used my keys and opened it, my jaw dropping almost immediately.

I mean it was probably a normal apartment, but I was kind of expecting lower than this. Instead, the place was amazing.

The grey and white palette definitely matched, along with a nice faded blue for the couch- perfect.

"This place looks awesome," I let out and Tony smiled.

"Oh, you can just leave that there, I can put it in my room later," I told him and he nodded, leaving my luggage in the middle of the living room.

"I suppose you would want to clean up quickly before we go see Kenny and the others?"

"Oh yes, yes definitely," I chuckled, gesturing at the way I was dressed and he let out a soft chuckle. "I'll be waiting downstairs," he told me.

"Thank you," I smiled as he exited my new home. I rolled my luggage into my room before heading into a quick shower and changing.

Took me about 15 minutes, not all girls take too long getting ready. As for me, well I have my times.

Once I was ready, I quickly grabbed my purse, phone and my keys before heading downstairs to Tony. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like I could pass out or throw up, maybe even both.

Meeting Kenny Ortega is making me insanely nervous right now. I got into the car and Tony started driving away.

Quickly dialling my brother's number, I called him to inform that I was doing just fine.

I hung up just as Tony pulled up outside what seems to be a studio. He led me inside, telling me Kenny would be there with the others since it was the last week of bootcamp.

As for me, I only needed to be there for this last week.

And here goes nothing.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡

i started online class again today in a whole new grade with a whole new set of teachers and i only met 3 this afternoon, but for now we gud

anyways, it'll get better i promise ✋

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now