chapter thirteen

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"See 'em look, hear 'em ooh aah"

I watched behind the monitors as Savannah, Oceane and the Dirty Candy crew shoot the dance for Wow.

It was amusing to see Savannah pretend Oceane wasn't there, it was actually fun. Especially the little improvisations they did on the spot.

"Hey you got a lil drool," Owen joked, putting an arm on my shoulder as I rolled my eyes.

"So what's up?" he asked me as we both watched the monitors. "Nothing much," I shrugged, not tearing my eyes away from the screen.

"Okay bro you gotta tell me what's the deal with Oceane," he said, fully facing me now.

"There's no 'deal' with Oceane, we're friends," I said. But you don't wanna be just friends.

"Sure," Owen said, clearly unconvinced. "You know, you're always fun and flirty with people but with her it's different. I see it."

I kept quiet. He was right. I cared about her more than anyone else.

"You know you can tell me things," he said again and I nodded.

I looked at my wrist watch and I still have an hour until I need to go film a scene. "Can we talk before we go film?" I asked and he nodded.

We both went over to my trailer and I made sure I locked the door before we settled on the couch.

"So we gonna talk about girls?" Owen joked and I laughed. "Technically yeah but I wanna tell you about Oceane," I said and he nodded, paying attention.

"You know how she grew up here, in Vancouver?" I asked and he nodded.

"We grew up together," I said and he had surprise written all over his face. "Wait there's a lot more to that," I said and he stayed quiet.

"So we were really close and we were basically glued to each other. We'd always hang out, with her brother and another friend but then something happened. I'm not really gonna elaborate that part because it should come from her, but she was going through a massive loss on her 15th birthday," I said.

"Oh wait– did I mention we were kinda sorta a thing?" I asked, reeling back a little thinking of the hundred ways Owen could react.

Instead, it was the probably the 50th way where his eyes widened as if he just found a dead bird.

"Do go on," he said and I shook my head, chuckling softly.

"I helped her through it. About 5 months after the loss she got diagnosed with anxiety and something else– she's only told you guys about the anxiety so I'm not sure if I should say the other one but anyways. I was always with her but it was as if she was tryna push me away," I explained more.

"Everyday it was as if she was dying more and more inside. Hell she didn't even look alive. She just broke whatever it was that me and her had and I didn't see her for a over week since she didn't wanna see me. Until one day I found out she and brother moved away," I said, looking down.

"Just like that? Did she at least send you a text or something?" he asked and I shook my head.

"It was like she just dissapeared, completely off radar until now," I said.

"Have you guys talked about this?" he asked and again, I shook my head. "You should."

"I know. I tried, but then she had a panic attack remember?"

"Wait, that was because you brought it up?" he asked and I nodded.

"Damn. I wanna be mad at her but she definitely has her side of the story," he muttered, leaning forward.

"I know she does. But honestly, I don't know if I'm ready to even hear the truth. I mean the other day when I asked, it was like an impulsive decision you get me?" I said and he nodded.

"But you're both gonna have to face it at some point. The demons of your past," he shrugged.

"You know I hate when you're right," I joked in attempt to make the environment a little more lighter and suddenly when he chuckled.

"Lemme offer some wise words," he said in a fake British accent as put his right leg on the other, his two hands locked on his knees while I rolled my eyes.

"I say take things slow. Go with the flow type thing, you know? When she's ready she'll talk," he said and I nodded.

The both of us decided to leave it at that but before I opened my trailer door I stopped him.

"Not a word to anyone else okay?" I said, pointing to his chest.

"Not a word."

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
u guys wtf—


bye thank u sm ily all 🥺

drop some votes and comments, they entertain me teehee <3

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