chapter thirty

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"That's a wrap!" Kenny announced and everyone erupted into cheers.

He sent Madison in to join us since she had wrapped yesterday but she came anyways since today was officially the last day for the whole filming portion of the show. Me and the boys finally wrapped, and in all honesty I had been dreading this day.

Charlie was next to me, Jeremy on my right, Madison next to him and Owen on her other side.

"Give it up for Madison Reyes," Kenny called and we all burst into cheers. "Charlie Gillespie," more cheers. "Owen Joyner," more cheers. "Jeremy Shada," cheers again. "And Oceane Maynard," and again.

We gave Madison a slight push as she took some steps forward and started her wrap speech— for the second time. Then Charlie went, Owen and then Jeremy. And I was last. I stepped forward, letting go of Charlie and Jeremy's hands that I've been holding on to from earlier.

"Okay well— let's not cry, not today," I chuckled and so did everyone else. "I just wanna say thank you for this amazing opportunity. You guys made my first time so so easy and fun. Thank you for being so welcoming and thank you for turning into my new family," I choked a little, tears stinging at my eyes as it started dawning onto me that this was it for now.

I looked around, seeing everyone smiling at me and most of them had slight tears in their eyes.

"And well, I can't wait to come back and work with y'all again!" I threw my hands up and let out a soft laugh before stepping back.

Owen came over with his arm around Madison and we all engulfed each other in a group hug. So much for not crying. I had a few tears streaming down my cheeks as I leaned my head onto Charlie's shoulder and the five of us held onto each other tightly.

"I meant what I said," I said softly to them. "This has become family."

I smiled softly and they all had wide smiles on their faces. It's true. This is my family.

•°. *࿐

I was in my apartment, getting ready for the wrap party which was in like an hour or so. Oh, did I mention tomorrow's my birthday? Yep, we'll be spending an extra day all together here in Vancouver before everyone slowly starts leaving.

After I got out of the shower, I quickly picked the outfit I prepared out of my closet and put it on. Sitting down in front of my mirror, I straightened out my hair before applying some makeup. Once I was done, I texted Savannah and the girl showed up at my door within a minute.

"You're quick," I chuckled, hooking the little belts on my heels as I stepped out of the door with my clutch.

"I was already outside my door when you texted," she laughed.

We linked arms before walking to the elevator, only to find both Charlie and Owen standing there as they waited for the doors to open.

"Look at you boys all cleaned up," Savannah teased causing me to giggle slightly.

Both boys turned to us and smiled. Charlie held his arm out and I stepped right into it as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You look good, both of you," he said looking between me and Savannah before focusing down on me.

"Thank you sir, I tried," Savannah said as she flicked her hair and we laughed. We got into the elevator and down to the lobby before heading straight for the party.

We parked in the lot, but as we were walking towards the venue I noticed it was dark inside. Shouldn't the party already be in full swing by now? 

"Hey guys, tad confused 'cause shouldn't it be all bright and loud by now?" I asked, squinting a little and I know they noticed my accent slipping out slightly. Not like I asked to be born British.

"I'm sure it's fine," Owen shrugged, "they're probably waiting for us."

"Yeah, probably. Let's go," Charlie added, slipping his hand into mine and tugging me closer to his side as we walked to the entrance. I felt myself being pushed a forward a little bit, making me the one to open the door but jumping back the moment the lights flickered open and people screaming surprise.

"Happy early birthday!" Tori exclaimed coming to give me a quick hug. I let out a small laugh of disbelief, turning to the three people I came with who simply smiled at me sheepishly.

"Surprise!" Savannah squealed, coming for a bear hug as she swung us side to side and I laughed.

After a round of hugs with pretty much everyone, and a tad bit of tears from the fact that they took all the time and effort to make this happen, the party was now in full swing. Everyone was dancing and simply having fun. I'm really gonna miss them.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
10k reads wtf??? THANK U GUYS AAA thanks for bein interested in this story, and we only hv two or three chaps left 🥺

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