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Emma and Ray decided to move after being r@ped and abus3d for years,they were like siblings to each other.Always by each other's side,Emma and Ray play with people feelings so they can just watch them be in pain.They did it for their satisfaction,tho they never felt what it was like to be loved..they felt empty inside.People called them heartless or they will say they had no emotion but,nobody knew what they were going through.It's hard for them to forget about what life made them go through,it was a nightmare.They tried to commit suicide together but every time they woke up in the hospital alive so they gave up eventually..

They moved countries and made sure nobody will find them,once they got there they each got a job to pay rent for their apartment they lived in.They were high school students still,they were sophomores.Which meant they were still young to be living and working for themselves.After they were stable enough they went to go look for a high school they can go to that was near by.
They luckily found one and applied to it,they started school next week...

Next week on Monday..

"Hey Emma get ready we have to go to school"Ray knocked on Emma's bedroom door.Emma opened the door "What are you talking about I was born ready"Emma said so proudly "Okay but put on a smile"Ray reminded her."Yeah I know but I hate putting it on.."Emma told him "Same but we just have to act" Ray told her and she nodded.They both put on a fake smile and started walking to the school,it took them about 15 minutes to walk their but it wasn't a big deal.When they entered everyone stared at them,they both knew what was going to happen by the end of the school day.Them Emma stops her tracks and dragged Ray somewhere else "What happened Emma??"Ray asked her "Norman and Gilda are here?!"Emma told him "Okay just act like we forgot about them"Ray told her and she nodded.They went down the hall where Norman and Gilda were at, they looked at them and just waved. Ray grabbed Emma's hand and put it together with his,he did that to see their reaction.Emma knew what he was doing so she went along with it,pretend that they were dating.Hours passed it and it was lunch time...

A girl came up to Ray "Hey I know we just met but would you like to go out with me!"She said.Ray looked at Emma with a smirk "Sure what's your name?" Ray agreed "My name is Sally"Sally said "Well great my name is Ray but let's keep this relationship on the low" Ray told Sally and She nodded.Sally then walked away "Already got a confession must feel lucky"Emma told Ray "Pfft she probably thinks I like her" Ray said "We only been here for a few hours not even a whole day and girls already like you"Emma told him "Yeah wait hold up let me pretend I'm leaving because that boy is coming out way"Ray said and 'walked away',"Oh hi my name is Luis nice to meet you"A male came up to Emma "Hi my name is Emma so is there anything you need?" Emma asked him "Well could I take you on a date?"He asked her "Sure I don't see why not?"Emma agreed "Wait but don't you have a boyfriend?"Liam asked her "He doesn't have to know"Emma told Liam "Okay after school?" Liam asked "Sure"Emma replied and Liam walked away when he saw Ray 'coming back' "Hey Emma what happened?"Ray asked her "Just got myself a date"Emma responded "Dang as I expected"Ray said "Yup but like can Um Norman and Gilda stop looking over here"Emma said feeling uncomfortable "I can tell them something if you want me to?"Ray asked her "No it's fine they'll look away eventually"Emma told him with a fake soft smile."Well if you say so"Ray said..

Few weeks passed by,Emma and Ray were soon called the players of the school.Each time they get caught cheating and it will make people cry or never come back to the school again. Emma and Ray will give each other fist bumps or handshakes of a way saying 'good job another heart broke'.One day Gilda and Norman finally made and effort to talk to them...

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