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The next week of school.

Ray and Emma made there way to school,a three boys came up to Emma.
"Oh my god Emma I though you were dead!!"A boy said crying,Ray started to laugh.Emma looked at Ray "I didn't say anything!"Rays aid as he put his hand up."Haha I didn't die where's you get that from?"Emma said,"She did"The other boy pointed at a girl.Emma got upset and walked up to her..

She taped on her shoulder,her friend looked frightened when they saw Emma."Hey you..brat"Emma said and the girl turned around."What do you want and don't call me brat!"She told Emma."Did you spread that rumor of me being dead?"Emma asked 'politely'
"Yes I did so what?"She answered with a smirk,Emma slapped her "I would like if you didn't spread FAKE rumors.

The girl punched Emma,she fought back "GO EMMA BEAT THAT BITCHES ASS!"Ray cheered for her. People were looking  at him "What y'all looking at?!"He hissed at them.They looked away but,that didn't stop Ray from cheering on Emma.

You can see the girl couldn't even fight, mostly everybody was cheering on for Emma.Then teachers had separated them "HAHA BITCH YOU THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET!"Ray yelled at the girl who was bleeding. "That's enough Ray"A teacher told him, "what I do?"Ray asked her with a attitude."You kept cheering on Emma when she's beating this poor girl"She responded with.

It had him and Emma cracking "So you're telling me I can't cheer on my best friend..lame"Ray said sarcastically. "She was pathetic anyways plus she spread a rumor about me that's wasn't even true"Emma told her."That doesn't mean you have to hit her"She told her "Well she should've kept her mouth shut"Ray said "I didn't even do anything!"The girl said as one of her friends were hugging her cause she was crying. "I dIdNt EvEn Do AnYtHiNg!"Emma mocked her.Ray laughed along with Emma "You guys are suspended for two months"The principal came out "Fine by me but Ray did you record it?!"Emma said "Yes I did and I wouldn't mind posting it"Ray said with a grin on his face.

"Ray you can not post it"The principal told him "Oops my hand slipped"Ray said as he pressed the button to post the vid."Now everyone can see how much of a crybaby you are"Emma said as she faked cried."WHAT HOW DARE YOU POST THAT"The Girl said as she was about to go attack Ray,"Watch yourself,Don touch none of my friends" Emma said as she pushed her away.

She pushed Emma and Emma pushed her back "Do you want to get your ass beat again?"Emma said with a smile.
The girl once got upset and started to hit Emma..

"Guess she got her ass whooped again" Ray said as he posted the second video. The girl had a busted nose and lip,"I don't even know why she tried to fight against Emma"There were whispers around.It caused the girl to run away, "Well we should go home and come back after school"Ray told Emma and she nodded.

When they got home~

"Ray why are you and Emma home early?"Isabella asked him "Because Emma got into a fight and also because I cheered her on"Ray answered."Did you win?"Isabella asked her "Of course I did"Emma said."Ray did you record?" She asked him "Yes I did"Ray said as he pulled out his phone.

After she watched the videos.

She high five Emma "That was great but how long are you guys suspended for?"Isabella asked."uh I believe two months?"Ray answered unsure "As if you guys will listen to them"Isabella said,"Yeah you right"Emma nodded.

To be continue

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