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"Hey Ray and Emma"Gilda said walking up to them "You guys are errrr umm Ray what's their name again?"Emma pretended not to know their name "Your asking me like I know?"Ray responded,that's when they realized that they didn't remember them "My name is Gilda and this a Norman"Gilda introduced herself and Norman."Familiar names do we have class together?"Ray asked them "Just about two classes"Norman answered "Hmm okay we'll do you need anything?"Ray asked them another question "Why do you hurt people?"Gilda asked them.Emma's and Ray eyes widen at the question "We can't answer that sorry"Ray replied "That's fine I guess"Gilda said and gave them a smile,Emma felt butterflies in her stomach 'No Emma stop she hurt you remember!' Emma told herself in her head."Well do you have any other questions?"Emma asked them "No that's all"Norman said while looking at the ground."Umm you good?"Ray asked Norman "I'm fine"Norman responded looking back at Ray,"Uhm well if that's all you guys need were gonna go-"Ray said before being cut off by Emma "You guys look like you want to be friends!"Emma said and too her hand out to shake "I uh don't think-"Gilda tried to finish "Don't be shy just take my hand"Emma said as she gave her a odd smile.Gilda shook the hand "Uh Emma what was that for?"Ray asked her "We need friends"Emma told him "No we don't that's why we got each other?!"Ray told her.Then Ray got it that Emma was probably still in love with Gilda "May I speak with you alone?"Ray asked Emma "Sure?"Emma was confused.When they went away from them "Emma you can't possibly still love Gilda?"Ray told her and Emma kept quiet "You still do right..?"Ray asked again "That's the thing I don't know"Emma answered "Let's just go back"Ray said and they both headed back to them.

Ray was standing right next to Norman and Gilda tried not to laugh "Are you okay?"Emma asked her "I just noticed how short Ray looks Compared to Norman"Gilda said and started to burst out laughing."Oh I just noticed too"Emma said just giving a slight smile, Ray looked at Norman and noticed how short he really was.For some reason Emma wanted to laugh but she forgot how to "Umm Ray.."Emma said to get Rays attention,Ray looked at her and noticed something was wrong "What's wrong?"Ray asked her "I forgot.."Emma didn't want to complete the sentence "We both did Emma"Ray knew what she was talking about.Gilda and Norman were both confused "What happened?"Norman asked "Its nothing really don't worry about it"Ray responded with his cold look."well you guys want to hang out after school"Emma asked them.Ray looked at her but Emma didn't care what Ray felt about it about the situation,"Sure"Norman agreed...

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