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Ray and Emma made their way to the jail,they didn't have enough money to bail there mom out.Emma found a way how to disable the cameras from there so they wouldn't see or record what they were about to do.

They went in expecting to see police officers there but they weren't around. Ray hacked into the computer and was looking at what cell his mom was in.It said she hasn't Been given a cell yet, "I don't think she's here yet?"Ray whispered to Emma "Oh that mean she should be on her way then so we have to wait till later"Emma told Ray and they both left.

They waited for a few hours before they saw his mom being took in the building,"Shes right there"Ray whispered to Emma "No shit dumbass"Emma said sarcastically."Rude for what?"Ray said "Whatever we need to get he out of there"Emma told him and he nodded.

"Hey what happened to ten cameras?!" The heard someone say as they were walking over there."Did you mess with something before we left?"Another said "of course no-"They tried to reply but were knocked out by Ray."Hey kid Why'd you do that?"A man said when he turned to Ray.He didn't answer him but he didn't know Emma was right behind him with a gun she had took.

Isabella was handcuffed,she saw Emma but didn't say anything.Emma pulled the trigger,"Mom let's go!"Ray grabbed Isabella and ran out the building "I guess we have to move again"Ray sighed."Yeah we do sadly how do I keep ending up in these situations"Isabella thought to herself "When are we leaving?"Emma asked "Tomorrow morning"Isabella answered "I'll order the tickets"She said after wards.

Ray and Emma looked at each other, "how are we going to tell them?"Emma asked Ray "we'll just go early in the morning and announce that we are leaving"Ray answered "Wow like if it that easy"Emma said and rolled her eyes."Okay then how do you want to do it?"Ray asked her "Bitch I don't know thats why I'm asking you duh?!"Emma told him."Let's just get this day over with.."Ray said..

The next day

"Emma and Ray are you going to say bye to your friends?"Isabella walked into their rooms.They both got up and nodded.

They got ready and went straight to the school "Alright there they are"Emma pointed out.Ray looked and it was them just chatting by a tree "Alright let's go tell them"Ray told her and they both walked up to them."Hey Gilda and Norman"Emma started off,they both turned their heads to look at her."Oh hey Emma and Ray what's up?"Gilda said.

Emma and Ray looked at each other, they took a breath "We have something to tell you"Emma continued they were both curios."Well what is it?"Norman asked "Sorry but were moving"Ray finally said and they faces dropped. "Wait like moving houses or?"Gilda said "No were moving states"Ray answered for her."Well then it was meeting you this year"Norman said "Yeah I'm glad we got to meet again" Ray told him.

"What do mean meet again?"Norman asked "You think I forgot about you?" Ray told him."I-I thought you did...?" Norman eyes widen "But were leaving soon so..I hope we see each other again in the future"Ray told Norman "Me too"He said."Wait so Emma you didn't forget who I was?"Gilda asked and she shook her head "Such a shame we have to leave due to reasons again!"Emma whined."Well this is a goodbye"Emma said.

They both started to walk away from them "WAIT RAY!"Norman yelled out to him.Ray turned his head and saw Norman running to him "Yea-"Ray was cut off by a kiss from Norman.Ray soon melted in the kiss "Well I need to go now"Ray said as he pulled away from it.Norman looked down "Yeah I guess so"Norman said "Well bye Norman" Ray said and finally left.

Gilda patted Norman on the back "Just wait maybe later life we'll see them"Gilda told him "Yeah maybe.."Norman said..

Well they meet again in the future I don't know 🏃‍♀️💨

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