Another short chap

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After a couple of days Emma was finally leave the hospital with Andrew.

Ray wouldn't give Emma her baby back "Rayyyyy give me my babyyy!"Emma whined "No!"Ray denied.They were trying to get to Rays vehicle before they were pushed into another vehicle."OH MY GOD YOU COULDVE HURT THE CHILD!"Ray yelled hitting the person who pushed him.

"Sorry it was bosses orders!"The man apologized "Ugh I don't care you're lucky Andrew didn't get hurt!"Ray threatened."I look fat!"Emma cried out "you just had a baby of course you do" Ray snickered."Your so mean Ray!"Emma told him "So you guys don't care that we're just gonna kidnap you"A women interrupted.

"As long as you dont touch Andrew then everything's okay"Emma said "What if we do something to Andrew" the lady told them and Ray pulled out his gun."Touch Him.I dare you."Ray threatened "Do you always carry a gun with you?!"Emma said and Ray nodded."Where are we going by the way?"Emma asked the person driving.

"We're going somewhere"They answered "Ugh rude but anyways who's your boss?"Emma asked them "Norman and Gilda"They replied to her question.They looked at each other "On second thought I think we should get out.."Ray said trying to open the door to get out.They were on child lock "What the fuck"Ray said out loudly

He pulled out his gun "I demand for you to let us out!"Ray yelled pointing it at his head."You won't shoot"He told him "How do you know that!"Ray said upset sitting back not noticing how Emma took Andrew away from him. "Son of a bitch give him back!"Ray finally noticed "no!Hes my son!"Emma refused.

While they were arguing they have already arrived where Norman were waiting for them.They were walked to a room where Norman and Gilda were in "boss they're here"The guy said and Gilda smacked his head."Norman what did I fucking tell you!"She said aggressively "You told me not to kidnap them"Norman answered.

"And what did you do?"Gilda continued scolding him "i send them to kidnap them"Norman said.Gilda sighed "Hello Ray and Norman don't mind what just happened"Gilda said with a soft smile. They were standing there confused "Why are we here?"Ray asked her "We should catch up it's been years since we last seen each other!"Gilda answered cheerfully.

Emma was on the phone "help mom I'm scared"She fake crying,they took away her phone "Hey how dare you!" Emma was upset.Norman was too busy staring at Ray,he hid behind Emma "He's staring at me"Ray whispered to her."He likes you dumbass that's Norman"Emma whispered back to him "I know that dumbass"Ray said.

Sorry this short and having slow updates 😭

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