Gun loaded

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They were all talking while walking through a alley,Emma stopped and noticed where they were at."This place is sketchy"Emma said "Oh..yeah it's very dark"Ray said as he looked around."Turn on your flashlight"Emma said as all of them turned on their flashlight from their phones.It was already night time tho,Emma didn't feel safe at the moment.She felt someone was watching them,she flashed the light around the place. Something was heard,"We need to go!" Emma said "Wha-"Gilda tried to ask something "No questions!"Emma said running down the alley and the others ran down with her.They then heard someone right behind them,they ran faster.

They then heard a gun was being loaded...Ray checked behind him and saw he was aiming at Norman or Gilda, he pushed out the way..


Haha sorry if I left you on a cliffhanger but,this is a very short chapter sorry!Ill be updating soon I promise!

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