The hang out

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After school~

"Hey are you guys ready?"Emma asked them and they all nodded as a response
"I invited someone"Gilda told Emma "Oh that's fine"Emma told her.

At the movies

"What movie should we watch?"Ray asked,they were thinking before seeing a girl coming there way."Babe I'm here!"She said and went to hug Gilda, Emma's heart drop,"This is my girlfriend Elizabeth"Gilda introduced "Hello my name is Emma"She told Elizabeth.She gave Emma a dirty look "Is there something wrong?"Emma asked her "Oh nothing is wrong"She answered with a sarcastic smile "Okay then I'm going to need you to stop looking at me like that thank you"Emma told Elizabeth "Okay thats enough"Gilda stepped in "Who's she" Elizabeth asked Gilda "A friend of mine"Gilda told her "I don't like her"She said out loud for Emma to hear "That's it Ray let's go"Emma told Ray. He didn't question it but followed what Emma said "Now she's leaving like a pussy she is"Elizabeth said and Emma was pissed.Emma went towards Elizabeth "What you say sorry I could hear you?"Emma told her "You heard me"Elizabeth told her and right when Emma was going to put her hands on her Ray grabbed her."Elizabeth watch your mouth next time,because I won't be there to be stopping her"Ray told her with a creepy smile."Let's go Emma"Ray said and dragged Emma out the cinema,"Elizabeth I can't no longer deal with this"Gilda was now serious."I have to make sure no other girls take you away from me"Elizabeth told her "No Elizabeth I can never have any friends that are GIRLS without you fucking it up"Gilda said "Cause your mine!"Elizabeth voice got louder "I'm sorry,we're over"Gilda told her "Haha very funny"Elizabeth said as she rolled her eyes and notice that Gilda wasn't playing."No you can't break up with me,we've been dating for 8 months?!"Elizabeth said and wouldn't let Gilda break up with her."No we are over,deal with it"Gilda said as she was now upset,"YOU ARE NOT BREAKING UP WITH ME"She yelled at Gilda."Ugh keep your voice down"Gilda demanded "NO HOW ABOUT WE LET EVERYONE KNOW?!"Elizabeth yelled for everyone in ten cinema can hear. "IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE TOXIC I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE?!"Gilda yelled back,"HOW AM I TOXIC???"Elizabeth asked "BECAUSE EVERY TIME I HAVE A NEW FRIEND YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING WITH THAT IDIOTIC MOUTH OF YOURS JUST LET ME BREAK UP WITH YOU DAMN!"Gilda yelled,She was pissed. "NO YOUR NO-"Elizabeth tried to continue "No were done you acted like I didn't see you cheating on me"Gilda told her and Elizabeth froze.Gilda have a smile,Norman and her walked out of the cinema leaving Elizabeth speechless.Little did they know Emma and Ray didn't actually leave they were outside waiting for them,"Wow that was serious"Ray said as Norman and Gilda came out the door."Yeah ouch I guess Gilda know-"Emma tried to say something but Ray shut her up,Emma didn't know they came out the building "Oh why are you guys still here?" Norman asked "We waited for you" Emma responded.Ray put his AirPods in started to listen to music,they were walking somewhere but Ray was just following."shes a shes a lady~"Ray sung out loud by accident and immediately shut his mouth,I know everyone heard him."Ray sing again!" Emma said with sparkle in her eyes, Ray face turned red because he was embarrassed "N-No"Ray stuttered "Aww man please!!"Emma begged Ray "Fine"Ray knew that Emma wasn't going to leave him alone till he did it."I want you to know that I'm never leaving cause I'm Mrs.snow til death we'll be freezing~"Ray sang and stopped "Sing more!"Emma demanded "yeah you are my home,my home for all come on let's go~"Ray sang a bit and stopped."I'm not satisfied"Emma said as she crossed her arms "How about I sing another song?" Ray suggested "Hmm okay!"Emma said with a bright smile.Ray had a smirk on his face "Sawarasa-"Ray tried to sing that "song","NO"Emma yelled "I'm satisfied"Emma added "You sure?"Ray asked "Yes"Emma said and looked away from him."Good because I didn't want to sing anymore"Ray told her "Wow Ray I didn't know you could sing"Norman interrupted."I forgot you guys were here"Emma said as she flinched from the voice,"That was amazing Emma can you sing too?" Gilda asked her.Emma got nervous a little "Yes,yes she can"Ray answered for her "No I can't shut up"Emma refused to say the truth "Whatever"Ray said..


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