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Emma's eyes were slowly opening,she was breathing heavenly.Ray eyes widen "Emma!"Ray said as he had a smile across his face,she opened her eyes all the way but didn't talk.Ray called for nurses/doctors..they called it a miracle. It took a few minutes until Emma was able to talk "Ray..?"She said confused as why she was in the hospital.She sat up "Emma your awake?!"Ray was happy "What do you mean?"She asked him "You were in a coma for about two months I think the was proceed to be dead"Ray explained."Wait why was I in a coma?"Emma asked Ray "Well you were shot in the stomach"Ray answered."Wait what?!"Emma was shocked "Yeah but anyways your okay now!"Ray said with a smile,"Oh well how was school without me?"Emma wanted to know how Ray was "Well you see um..I didn't go to school"Ray are you serious?!"Emma was upset and had a frown on her face."Yeah I know but I was too worried about you"Ray told Emma,she facepalmed "Have you got in contact with Norman and Gilda yet?"She asked."Oh uh no"Ray said nervously.Emma sighed "Can you ask if I'm aloud to leave yet?"Emma asked Ray went ahead and asked when was Emma ready to leave "In two days"They told him.He went back into the room where Emma was in "They said you can leave in two days"Ray told her "okay but two days you better get to school"Emma told Ray with a cold look "yes ma'am!"Ray told her..

The next day

Ray went to school just to be surrounded by girl,"Oh my god Ray where were you?!"The girls were concerned about.Ray wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody unless Emma was their with him.He walked away from them and thee girls stand there in confusion,Norman and Gilda saw that Ray finally came to school."Hey Ray where have you been?!"Norman asked walking up to him,Ray wasn't in the mood."Leave me alone."He said coldly "How's Emma"Gilda asked wondering if it was a sensitive topic.'Hmm it would be fine if i play with them a little' Ray thought.He started to make fake tears fall out of his eyes "S-Shes gone" Ray said looking away.He turned back around to look at the as their eyes widen and saw Gildas eyes water,she started to sob and Ray burst out laughing."Thats not funny!"Norman said patting on Gildas back to calm her down "I-I'm sorry"He said the trough his laugh.

After he calmed down

"I was just messing with you guys"Ray said and their look went from sad to mad."That wasn't funny Ray!"Gilda raised her voice."Anyways I didn't expect you to come"Norman said off topic "Well Emma woke up yesterday and told me I better come to school" Ray explained.Gilda didn't face him after he lied "Gilda Cmon don't be upset I'm sorry"Ray sarcastically told her "Shut up"She told him with a glare.
"Fine I'm sorry,she's able to come maybe next week since it's Thursday" Ray said and they both nodded.

The day went on usual,nobody decided to bother Ray since they heard a rumor go around saying he was depressed over Emma 'death'.Which clearly wasn't even true,who even spread that rumor,Ray looked around and saw people sad about Emma's death.Ray found it funny but didn't say anything and waited till next week for Emma come to school...


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