Emma in coma..?

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"I'm sorry she's gone"The doctor told him as he faced the ground.Ray was about to burst into tears....

Jk Jk she didn't actually die..or will she..?

"Sorry shes I'm a coma"The doctor told Ray,he was on the verged to burst into tears."Your kidding,how long?"He asked him "Were not sure but,we almost lost her"The doctors explained "THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY BETTER"Ray was upset and his eyes were turning red.They were flickering dark green to Red "Calm down!"He told Ray "NO SHE IS NOT IN A COMA!"Ray didn't believe that she was he refused to believe that.The doc kept trying to calm Ray down "Ray stop!"Norman slightly yelled,"NO EMMA IS NOT IN A COMA!"He yelled at Norman."Ray I'm sorry but you have to calm down"Norman was also trying to calm him down.Ray didn't want to believe what he was hearing,he burst down in tears "I-I know she's not"He said through his tears.

When he calmed down he fell asleep,it was rough for Ray.He kept overthinking about Emma,'What if she dies?'He kept thinking.His leg soon got better..

4 weeks

Weeks passed and Emma was still in the coma,Ray was devastated about it. He wouldn't go to school until Emma woke up,he visited her everyday.He once went to go visit her and they told him it was a 10% chance for her to make it.His eyes widen hearing that,he kept repeating the words over and over..'Haha she's gonna wake up,she won't die..they're just joking around' Those same words were making him insane.

Two months..

Two months passed and when Ray went to visit her they had told him that she was no longer here.She had passed at night,"FUNNY FUCKING JOKE SHES NOT FUCKING GONE YOU ASSHOLE!"Ray let his anger get over him.They just walked away from him, he quickly ran into her room,"Emma don't leave me now!"He told her knowing she probably wouldn't hear her.He kept pressing against her chest as it was going to do something,tears were slowly running down his face.

A week later~

He begged them not to let Emma leave the hospital,so they listened and let Emma stay in the hospital for one more week and If she didn't wake up by then.They have to take her out,Ray was always standing by her side.It hurt him so much seeing Emma like this,he closed his eyes wondering...'If Emma doesn't wake,then there's only one option for us to be together again'.
He then slapped himself knowing Emma wouldn't like it if he killed himself for her,he looked at Emma one final time...he was in shock?!

Haha this is kinda a short chapter but Don't hate me for this waaaa anyways will Emma live or die?
Guess you have to wait 😎

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