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Emma and Ray were at his house chilling and playing.Then a timer went off,"Well looks like there out of school" Emma said."Alright let's go"Ray said dropping the remote control.They then made there way to school.

"HI WERE HERE!"Emma yelled at the group,they then walked up to them "Guys you can't keep coming here or you'll be expelled!"Gilda told them "We can't just leave our friends without saying goodbye!?"Ray told her.

"Hey why are you guys on campus?!" They heard a teacher say "What are you going to do about it?!"Emma spat "I can expel you"He said "Then do it!" Ray said.The teachers eyes widen and he huffed "I will tell the principal about this!"He said and walked back into the school.

Minutes later~

The principal came out the school.She went up to Ray and Emma "You guys are expelled!"She told both of them "Oh my...I don't think my mother won't like this"Ray said purposely and saw the fear in her eyes."I-I don't care you guys are expelled"The principal said in a bit of panic.

"Hold on real quick"Ray put his finger up then pulled out his phone."Hey mom yeah she told us we were expelled"Ray told Isabella with a sigh. She hanged up the phone and a couple minutes later she showed up at the school.

Isabella started to argue with the principal,"OKAY OKAY THEY ARE NOT EXPELLED!!"She cried out "EXACTLY I WOULD'VE BEAT YOUR ASS LIKE I DID IN MIDDLE SCHOOL"Isabella brought it up. Everyone heard "Rays mom beat the principal?!"A random student said "That's harsh"Another said.

"I still have the video by the way"Isabella told her as she played the video "I-I'm sorry I won't expel them but please leave"The principal said begging on the floor.Ray and Emma laughed but someone smacked them in the heads."Ray! Emma!"Gilda said "O-Ow Gilda that hurts!"Emma whined.

"Shut up that was very rude"Norman said as he came out of nowhere "Shut up I'm leaving!"Ray said and dragged Emma towards his mom.

Then they once left the school again...

Sorry this was quite a short chapter :(

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