Coffee shop

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Ray and Emma owned a coffee shop, Emma is pregnant with a baby boy.She had a boyfriend but he left her when she found out she was pregnant.Ray had helped through out the months.

It was just a normal day at their job, they were taking people orders and etc. They saw two people walk in,they looked so familiar to them but they couldn't place a finger on it."Good morning what can I get started for you today!"Emma said cheerfully "Can I get 6 French vanilla coffees medium"A albino boy ordered "Alright card or cash?"Emma asked "Card"He said.

"Alright put your card in and it's gonna ask for your pin"Emma told him and nodded putting his card in."Alright you can take your card out and may I get your name for your order?"Emma asked him "Norman"He answered.No reaction happened "Alright Norman your coffees will be done in a bit!" Emma told him then went to the back to make the coffees.

A girl with green hair had came with Norman and went to the register Ray was at."Hi what can I get for you?"Ray asked her "Can I get 6 banana muffins" she ordered "alright cash of card?"he asked "cash"She answered."Alright that will be 6 dollars and forty cents"He said and she payed him."Whats your name?"Ray asked her "Gilda"She said "Gilda your muffins will be done less than ten minutes!"Ray said and she went by Norman.

They were talking and waiting for their order to come "Gilda,Norman?"There names were yelled out.They made their way where they stuff was ready "Thank you"Norman thanked them so did Gilda."Hey Ray there names sound so familiar do you know?"Emma asked Ray "They looked familiar but it's probably nothing so let's forget about it"Ray said and Emma agreed.

"Anyways Emma I think you should take a break"Ray told her "Why am doing perfectly fine tho?"Emma was confused."This doesn't stress you out, your pregnant and work every single day!"Ray said."Hmm well sometimes but it's not that bad"Emma shrugged it off "Well it's not good for the baby either and it's almost the due date!!" Ray said."Oh yeah I forgot about that" Emma told Ray.

"Alright we're gonna take a few days off and no buts"Ray said "Wait but I'm fine really"Emma told him and Ray glared at her.She sighed "Find I guess" she finally agreed..

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