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3 days later

Emma and Ray haven't shown up to school yet,"Umm have you got any contact with Ray or Emma?"Gilda asked Norman and shook his head as no."Hmm I don't think they will be here for a while"Norman insisted.

Ray and Emma came to school no longer after,they ignored everyone talking to them.They went to the principals office "YOU CALLED THE POLICE ON MY MOM"Ray yelled at her."Ray please calm down-"She tried calming him "NO YOU CALLED THE POLICE FOR TRESPASSING AND VIOLENCE SOME SHIT LIKE THAT"Ray yelled at her.

"I don't care if I go to jail for this!"Ray continued as he took a knife out of his pocket.Emma didn't even know he had it "Ray what the fuck"Emma said trying to grab the knife away from him."Ray put the knife down!"She stood up from her chair, "just so you know I hope you fucking die in a slow painful death you fucking whore,and I know your daughter by the way so you wouldn't mind"Ray told the principal with a crazy look.

"Your insane just like your mother!"


"Isabella your insane!"
"No am not you bitch!"

End of flashback

"BITCH!"Emma yelled,she had enough.She took the knife from Ray and ran up to her,"Dont talk about them like that"Emma said as she jumped on her.She was struggling on keeping the knife away from her "Let me fucking kill you!"Emma told her trying to stab her.

The other people In the office called the cops,they soon arrived,handcuffed Emma and Ray."Thank you for calling these two escaped jail a year ago"A cop said "SHE FUCKING CALLED MY MOM INSANE LET EMMA KILL HER!"Ray yelled at them and they put a gun to his head as telling him to calm down."GET THAT SHIT AWAY FROM HIS HEAD!"She yelled just to receive one on her head.

"You won't fucking shoot because your pussy's!"Emma told them "Emma what will your mother think of you right now?"A cop asked her.Emma eyes widen from her mom being mentioned "what my mom will say..?"Emma gave them a glare as she said that."To fucking kill all of you...I won't even forgive you for taking my mother away from me"Emma said the last sentence looking at a specific person.

"I'm sorry but us police officers can't kill someone"They told Emma "You guys can't them why did he kill her!" She hissed at the cop.Gilda and Norman walked in the Office,"what happened?"Gilda asked "She called the cops on my mom and called her insane!"Ray explained "So I tried to kill her but they got here before I could!"Emma was mad.

"You guys need to leave these two are dangerous"Someone tried to make them leave."There not dangerous there our friends"Norman told them,Ray looked at him."Why didn't you contact us they escaped jail"They told him "Because friends don't do that to each other"Norman said.

They were distracted and Emma broke the handcuffs,she grabbed Ray and ran. "Looks like we gotta move again"Emma said carrying Ray and hid behind the school."We're once again on the run but please break the handcuffs they hurt!"Ray whined "Oh shut it you big baby and let's go get your mom from prison"Emma said...

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