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The bullet had hit Ray only the slightest but...someone had shot Emma Ray ran to see if Emma was okay.She was standing holding her stomach so that no more can escape,"Emma we have to go"Ray said panicking "But..what if we don't make it..?"Emma asked "Don't fucking say that"Ray told her,he grabbed Emma.He was looking around,no sign of a car passing,they had no signal on their phone either.
"No no no no"Ray said as he was running around to find a car or where to get signal,no place "Look Emma talk if your still with me??!"Ray asked since it was very dark "mhm"Emma hummed Ray then saw a car passing their was and he waved to get their attention.The vehicle stopped,he rolled down the window "Is there a hospital nearby?!"Ray asked immediately "Why?"The women ask "My friend was shot?!"Ray said still panicking "Oh then get in we need to help your friend"She said as she unlocked all the doors.They got inside the vehicle and she took them to the nearest Hospital.

Ray ran inside panicking about Emma, Emma was not responding to him "Sir sir quiet down hand me her"A male nurse told Ray "Thank you but you're also injured"He said when he saw blood coming out of his leg.Ray told him he was fine and that he just needed to worry about Emma,she was took in a emergency room.

They took Ray away from the room and took him to his own room to take care of his leg.Ray didn't want to get away from the room,he had to make sure Emma was going to be okay.The had to hold him down because he was resisting "LET ME GO SEE EMMA!"He kept yelling "You have to calm down"They kept telling him,soon Ray heard a nurse yelling they needed more people in the room.It was coming from Emma's room "NO NO NO LET ME SEE HER"Ray screamed and his eyes slowly were turning dark red.The nurses/doctors were shocked when they saw his eyes,they tied him down. They also put something in him to fall asleep,Ray passed out on the bed.

With Norman and Gilda

They weren't thinking too much of it, they were in the waiting room.They heard Ray yelling and other things, "Should we go check on them?"Gilda asked and Norman nodded as a response.They first went to go check with Emma but nobody was aloud in the room at the moment,then they checked with Ray.They let them in,Ray was sleeping on the bed tied up to it "Why is he tied up to the bed?"Norman asked them "Well he kept trying to go see Emma that was in the other room, when we didn't let him his eyes started to glow red"A doctor explained to them "Can you untie him?"Gilda asked him "No"He said "No? Why not?!"Norman told him "Because he might be dangerous"A nurse told them "He's not dangerous untie him now"Norman demanded.They untied Ray and left the room..

When Ray woke up

Ray woke up in a panic "WHERES EMMA?"Ray yelled,he woke up Gilda and Norman "Ray calm down its 4 in the morning"Norman said as he rubbed his eyes.Ray got off the bed and immediately fell down to the ground "Ray you can't get up,your leg"Gilda said as her and Norman helped him up to get back on the bed."Is Emma okay?"Ray asked them "We weren't informed about It"Gilda answered. Ray stand up once again,he didn't care how hurt he was.He needed to know If Emma was okay,they tried to stop Ray from leaving the room but it was useless.

"hey Ray you shouldn't be out your room yet?"A doctor stopped Ray from entering Emma's room "No until you tell how Emma is!"Ray refused...

The doctors sighed.."Okay..."

Ray was about to burst into tears....

Hahah cliffhanger😎

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