Ocean Blue (Request)

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This is the first update I've done since 2018, I never thought I'd be back to be honest. But here I am! Haha. Hope everyone enjoys this one, I don't know if I'll be back after this or not, I've got a bazillion books on the go (ok maybe not that many), but we'll see. This one is for justbordXD hope you enjoy it ☺️

You sat in the sun on the bench of the pier in San Francisco, enjoying a nice ice cream. It had been a long day, the sun cooking you from the inside out. You'd just moved to the city to follow your career. It was different than your home town, but you were up for the adventure.

You'd spent the day roaming, never knowing where your feet where taking you. You just knew you had to walk. You ended up at the pier, as the sun grew hotter and hotter. You needed a break. Needed to cool down. You...

"Crap!" You mumble looming down at the ice cream puddle now in your lap. You sigh, rummaging through your backpack looking for anything to help clean up the mess before it stains. "Come on..."


You look up to seek the face of a handsome brunette boy. You squint at him, the sun burning your eyes. "Can I help you?"

"I was hoping I could help you actually," he replies extending his hand to you, a piece of paper resting between his fingers. "I noticed you spilt ice cream on your dress so I thought I'd bring you something to clean it up." He smiles.

"Thank you."

You take the napkin from him and begin dabbing your dress. Praying that the ice cream wouldn't stain the sunflower yellow material.

"Mind if I sit?" He asks, you shake your head." He sits down beside you before continuing, "Im Niall by the way."

"I'm Molly," you turn to look at him. His eyes sparkle like the ocean does under the sunlight. "It's nice to meet you."

"Like wise! You must be new here, I haven't seen you around."

You chuckled a little before responding, "Yeah, I moved here earlier this week because of my job. I decided today to take a look around."

"Have you seen much?" You shake your head before he continues, "I'd love to show you around if you'd like!"

"I'd love that thank you!" You both stand as a smile spreads across your face.

"Right this way m'lady,"

Hope this is ok Molly :) kinda short, I'm not as good at this as I used to be ahaha. Hope you all enjoyed it! Till next time :)

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