Thinking highly of you

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Niall: Babe your so pretty, funny, adorable, goofy, beautiful and so amazing. Your so many other things that I just can't put into words.

You: Aweh Niall... I didn't know you thought so highly of me.

Niall: You're my girl and my princess. Of course I think highly of you

My crush... cant really call him my boyfriend cuz we aren't official.. but any who he texted me the first and last part last night and boy was I so happy. I'm still smiling like an idiot. The feels guys.... THE FEELS!!!!

Now enough of my personal life.. hope you enjoyed the imagine. If you'd like a personal please go to the chapter that talks about them and fill out what's being asked (your name, memeber, etc.). It doesn't matter if you comment on that  chapter or not just as long as you have everything filled out.

So please don't forget to vote, comment, share, etc. would me a lot to me if you guys did :)

Love you all xxx

P.s the fact that I have 140 some reads is amazing!! Thank you guys so much. I honestly didn't think I'd get anymore then maybe 10 cuz that's what it was at for the longest. Thanks to everyone that has voted and shared, means a lot.

P.p.s (or whatever haha) I would like to apologize for those who have been waiting for me to publish on my other book (if any of you have added it idk) I will get to it soon I promise.

Anyways thanks again guys! I love every single one of you :* STAY UNQUIE AND BEAUTIFUL... BASICALLY STAY WHO YOU ARE!!!! AND WHY AM I SHOUTING!?!?! Lol

Niall Horan  ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now