You get jealous

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"Babe!" Your boyfriend Niall called coming down the stairs of your shared house "Where are you?"

"Yeah? I'm in the kitchen!" You called back after putting some cookies on your plate.

He came into the kitchen and kissed your cheek. "I'm gonna go hang out with Demi." he told you stealing a cookie off your plate.

You began to see green. You loved Niall but you hated when he was with Demi. She was so much prettier then you and so nice. It's not that you didn't trust Niall around her but you didn't trust her.

"Babe?" Niall asked putting the cookie down. "Are you okay?"

You pushed your thoughts away. "Yeah.."

"Are you worried about me hanging with Demi?" He asked.

"No! Why would I be worried? She's only more pretty and nice... Okay maybe a little..."

He put his arms around your waist and pulled you into him for a hug. "Princess, there's no reason to worry. I will admit Demi is pretty but you are beautiful. You are my princess and no one could EVER take your place. I promise."

"I know." You told him. "But that doesn't stop me from worrying" You hugged him tight.

"Would it help if I stayed here with you?" He asked rubbing your back.

"No I want you to go, she is a friend after all."

He pulled away. "Hang on." He pulled out his phone and dialled a number and put it to his ear.

"Niall what are you-" he stopped you but putting his finger to your lips.

"Hi Demi, it's Niall. Would it be okay if I brought y/n along? I've missed her since I went on tour and I was wondering if it was okay if she tagged alone." He paused and a smile spread across his face. "Really? That's great! Thanks Demi, we'll be there soon."

He hung up his phone and looked at you "You ready to go? Demi is waiting."

You smiled and hugged him "thanks Niall."

"Anything for my princess. Now we better get going." He took your hand in his and went to the car.

Was it okay? I normally I write how I'm feeling. I hope you guys enjoyed! If you would like a personal don't be afraid to ask... Can't promise when it will be up but I will get it done :)

Love you all, don't forget to vote (please)

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