Pregnant?! (Request) part 1

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Hey guys :) I'm back. I'd like to thank @NiallersPrincess0895 for requesting this imagine. I hope it's good, I haven't been writing in forever so I'm a bit rusty. If you'd like another imagine, or if anyone wants one, you're more than welcome to drop a quick description and I'll get on it ASAP :) enjoy!

Your pov:
You were sitting on the couch shaking. You had just heard  from your best friend that your husband Niall was cheating on you with some girl at the bar. You were in shock, bouncing your leg you were hoping it wasn't true. Hoping that she saw a guy that looked like Niall. You heard the door open and you jumped to your feet, Niall walked into the room and smiled.

"Hey babe"


"What's wrong princess?" He asked walking over to where you stood.

"Y/f/n told me you were with some girl at the bar..."

"Oh? That's nothing. She's my cousin." Niall told you going to grab your hand. You jerked away.

"So you slam your tongue down your cousins throats now?" You raised your voice, getting upset that he was lying to you.

"Fiiiine! She's not my cousin! It's true I've been cheating on you. You're not what I want anymore. I found someone better. Britney." Niall told you not hesitating one bit.

Your heart burst, tears on the brim of your eyes. You wouldn't let them fall. You didn't want him to know how bad this hurt you. "How could you..?" Your voice cracked, betraying you.

"Pretty easy actually. She gives a mean blow job" he smirks biting his lower lip.

You put your hands over your mouth and the tears poured out like a river. "I.. want you out of my house!!" You yelled at him. "Get the fuck out of my life! I never want to see you again. I thought you loved me.."

"Oh honey, I did. But that was before we learnt you were infertile" his voice was smooth and soft. He smiled and walked out. The door closed and you fell to the floor, the tears only falling faster. How could he? I had no control over this you cried.

The next morning
Your face felt like fire and your cheeks felt sticky. You peeled open your eyes and found the suns glow on your face. You sat up looking around the room, you wondered where Niall wa- Niall.... the events from last night came flying at you. He cheated on you.. he left you. You felt sick to your stomach. You got up and ran to the bathroom.

After you had finished being sick you shuffled over to your room. Crawling under the covers all you could smell was Niall's body spray. It made you sick and your head hurt. He wasn't in bed with you, it was abnormal and you didn't like it. Your cheeks became damp. You picked up your phone and called y/f/n. One ring and she answered.

"Y/n. Are you ok?"

You shrugged then realized she couldn't see, "no..."

"What happened? Was i right?"

"Y-yes.." you replied stuttering. The tears just coming faster again.

"Come," she told you. "Pack a few things. You're staying at my place for a while. I'll be there in 20 minutes ok? Get ready and we'll go out for breakfast ok?"

"I'm not hungry" you lied.

"Oh sweetheart... get ready, I'll be there in 10." You hung up the phone and packed up a few clothes.

2 weeks later
You had now been at your friends house for 2 weeks. You had become very sick ever since Niall had left you. You were in constant pain, throwing up, and hardly ate. Your best friend had an idea of what was happening. She believed you were pregnant, you laughed at her. You had told her you were infertile, but she still pushed you to take a test just in case. She went out and bought you one. You walked into the bathroom and waited a few minutes. Your jaw dropped and you walked out the door to meet her face.

"I'm... I'm.. pregnant."

Niall Horan  ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now