Only his princess

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You were planing on going to a party with your friends tonight. Niall was not very excited about not going with you, because he had to help the boys write some new songs that were due in a week and he hadn't started yet. He tried hiding your makeup, your heels, your car keys,  pretty much everything.

When you finally managed to get ready it was 7:30. The girls would be arriving to pick you up in twenty minutes. You looked amazing. Your hair was curled, you had light makeup on, with a black lace looking top and jean shorts along with flats.

You walked down the stairs with your phone and purse in hand.

"Niall." You called.  "I'm leaving soon".

Niall appeared from around the corner. "Wow princess... You look stunning."

"Thank you" you blushed. Even being with Niall for a year he still made you blush.

"Y/n please don't go"

"Again with this Niall?" You asked getting a little annoyed. "I want to go out with the girls. Nothing else is going to happen!"

"I know..." He said just above a whisper.

"Then what?"

" I just don't want anyone trying to take my princess away from me" he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Cause your my princess not anyone else's"

"Nialler.. No one will take me from you." You hugged him. " I would never ever ever let that happen." You pulled away from the hug and fished out your phone from your pocket. "Hang on"

You dialled y/f/n's number and heard the phone ring.


"Hey y/f/n, I can't make it tonight" you said looking up to see Niall wide eyed.

"Aw why not?" She whinnied.

"Niall isn't feeling very well and I don't want to leave him home alone."

"Babe.. I don't feel good... I think in gonna puke." He lied.

" oh. We'll tell Niall that I hope he gets better soon. Maybe we can go next week?" She asked.

"I'll tell him. And sure, thanks for understanding."

"Sure thing, bye." She said.

"Bye." and you hung up. "You owe me Horan."

"I know. Thanks babe." Niall smiled kissing your cheek.

"You're welcome. Now let's go cuddle." You said dragging him over to the couch.


Guys I'm really sorry I haven't posted in forever but I've been running out of ideas and motivation. So personals would be really really REALLY appreciated especially if you give me an idea on how you want it.

I'd like to thank everyone who has read this book. Like WOW 1.04k are you for real!?!? Thank you so much and thanks for the votes. I couldn't believe when I saw how many reads I had... I thought I was looking at someone else's book lol.

But thanks again everyone so so so much. I hope you enjoyed this imagine. And another should be up soon.. I hope haha

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