Best friends secret

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Being at your best friends Niall's house along with Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn.

I was all sitting in the Horan's living room chilling when Niall had all the boys follow him to his room. I sat there awkwardly for a while then decided to go to the washroom.

I passed by Niall's bedroom on the way to the washroom. I heard a very interesting conversation happening. I quietly pressed your body against the wall by his door frame and listened.

"Dude do you like her?" I heard Zayn asked.

"Who?" Niall asked.

"Ya know... (Y/n)... Your best friend." Louis says. My heart picked up speed. I had a huge crush on Niall for some time now, but was to scared to tell him just in case it would ruin our friendship.

"Um...yeah.. Yeah I do a lot!" Niall replied. I let exhaled, not realizing i were even holding my breath.

"Why don't you ask her out then?" Liam asked.

"I don't know guys." Niall replied.
I decided to casually walk by as if i was walking back from the bathroom.

"(Y/n) can you come here for a moment. Niall would like to ask you something." Harry said elbowing Niall.

I stopped and walked into the room. "Yeah what's up Niall?"

"Well..uh.. I-I was..uh..wondering if..if.. You would go out with me." Niall said staring at the ground.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. "Well... OF COURSE NIALL!!"

He looked up into my eyes and smile big. I returned it when he lifted me off the ground. He brought his face to mine and kissed me with such passion. The boys began to clap and I could feel Niall smile deep within the kiss.
Old stuff. I think I'm actually getting better at this haha. If you want a personal please ask an I'll get it up as soon as possible. :)

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