Concert hall (Request)

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Ok guys this one is for @marri_directioner hope you like it :) sorry it took so long!

You were standing in line outside of your local concert venue, nerves running through your body. It was your first ever concert, and what better than to see one direction live! As the line began to move you straightened your One Direction T-shirt, you were so ready for this! You were ten away from getting your ticket scanned when all of the sudden the line erupts with screams.

You turn your head to see none other than One Direction run down the parking lot and into the back door or the arena. Your heart races, this is the closest you've ever been to them. Before the boys disappear into the arena you see Niall stop for a few seconds, your eyes lock for a split second before he smiles and continues to run off.

You swear your heart is gonna burst right out of your chest! What was that? Did he actually see me??

You get to the front of the line as security scans your ticket, you hear a beep as the guard steps aside to let you in. You rush into the arena and find your seat as you try to calm yourself from your near heart attack outside.

After what feels like a lifetime the arena is finally packed with a million screaming fans; the lights go down and the opening tune of Story of My Life begins to fill the air, you rise from the stage just as Louis, Liam, and Harry run on stage. Liam starts singing as Louis and Harry look around for an obviously missing Niall. They took turns running behind stage to find him, the crowd became quiet, worried as to what happened to everyone's favourite Irish boy.

When it was Niall turn to sing the music died. The crowd began to mumble amongst themselves, unaware of where the blonde boy was.

"The story of my life I take her home," you feel someone grab your hand, you then quickly to see Niall standing beside you. The crowd cheers as he continues to sing, "I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen."

The boys pick up on the song and countinue, Niall leans in towards you before he speaks, "Hi, I'm sorry to scare you, I saw you outside and thought I could make a better enterance than I did. The names Niall"

"Mariam," you reply.

"A very nice name for such a beautiful lady," he smiles glancing back at the stage. " I have to get back to work, but meet me back stage after? I'll have security help you in." You nod and his smile gets larger. "Good! I'll see you after" and he runs back up to stage to continue the concert.


Sorry this took so long Mariam hope it was worth the wait! Till next time guys! Stay safe

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