Red Carpet

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"Princess are you ready to go?" Niall called  from downstairs.

"Yes coming!" I ran my hands down the front of my dress smoothing out any creases. I walked to the top of the stairs and bunched up as much of my dress in one hand as possible.

I started descending down the stairs. Maybe i should have waited before I put my heels on. Just as I got to the bottom i looked up to see a star struck Niall.

"Wow...." He breathed out.

I let the dress in my hands fall and smoothened it out again. "Is it to much?"

"No... You look..." Niall pondered for the words. "fuck i don't know but it's something good"

I smiled feeling my cheeks catch a flame. "You look pretty stunning mr. Horan. "

"Thank you m'lady " He bowed. "Is my princess ready to get going? I believe the limo is her-"


"Yes." He laughed. "Babe we're going to the Brit Awards... We ride in style."

I smiled laughing a little too. "Okay let's go." I took his hand in mine and he walked me out.

We walked outside just as the limo arrived. Niall held the door open while I climbed in. I was greeted by three faces with their mouths wide open.

"Uh guys..?"

"Y/n you  look.. amazing" Louis said.

"Love you're stunning." Liam said.

"Niall you better keep your eyes on Y/n in that dress.. guys might try flirting with her." Harry told him as Niall sat beside me.

"Believe me mate I will." Niall replied wrapping his arm around my waist.

------later at the awards ------

"You ready babe?" Niall asked putting out his hand for me.

I nodded taking it "I think so."

He smiled and helped me out of the car. Flashes from cameras blinded me while screaming from fans made me a little deaf.

"Here comes Niall Horan and the boy of One Direction.. and Niall's girlfriend y/n" the tv host said. We made our way over to him. "Boys, y/n you look great."

"Thank you" we said.

"So boys you're nominated for best British group, best single for Perfect and Drag Me Down. How does it feel?" He asked. (It's obviously not Brit award season yet and they aren't nominated for this that I'm aware of.. But maybe we can make it happen  ;) )

"Well, really we have the fans to thank. Without them we wouldn't be nominated for any of those tonight." Liam said.

"And we defiantly owe it to them if we win. Directioners vote their hearts out and we appreciate that. " Louis added.

"As a fellow directioner y/n how many times have you voted?" The host asked.

I chucked. "Honestly I have no idea the exact number, it's been loads for sure. Like Niall has woken up at 3am to find me still voting."

"I had to take her phone and laptop away so she'd get some sleep" Niall added.

"Wow that's impressive. The dedication of your fans eh? Well I'll let you guys go inside and find your seats. Good luck!" He said moving on to the next celeb that came down the carpet.

We walked inside and found our seats. About five minutes later the lights dimmed and the opening tune to (some artist) began.

------ after the show------
The boys won each award they were nominated for and as a celebration we went out for a few drinks.

Sorry for the long gap in updates, I had exams last week and I lost interest and motivation to update on here sorry. On the bright side I've been getting my other book updated... They were old updates that were kinda just sitting on my tablet at home lol.

But I am working on updating more but I can't promise anything cuz my life is busy.

I love you guys and would like to thank all you beautiful people for the 1.16k reads. LIKE WOW!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I love you guys! Xxx

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