Chapter 27

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I was gonna post this update yesterday since it's Jennie's day but I've been so busy with my school works. But yeah, enjoy my update. God bless you everyone.


What's wrong with everybody? I notice that the boys and my members are avoiding me. Except for Tae. I've been asking Tae if he know something about it, but he just shrugged it off and told me that maybe I was just overthinking.

Days passed so fast. I wake up on my bed feeling so blessed for another year. Yes it's my birthday! My 25th birthday. And as always my dogs were the first one to greet me. They were just lying beside me, their tails wiggling. I pat their heads and their tongues stick out.

I prepared for my day ahead. I don't have a schedule today. Because I plan to release my long awaited moment.

Want to know what it is? It's to release my youtube channel. Tae encourages me to have it, well he does know that I'm into videography. I am just so happy to have him with me. When I checked my phone, not even a single greeting from my members nor his members pop out.

I pouted. Did they forgot it? Unnie is not home, she has a shooting today. Lisa has a hang out with her Thai friends. She's been sad and worried about Bambam. They just parted ways with JYP Entertainment. We were shocked as well with the announcement but I think they deserve freedom.

Chaeng is with her family. I am all alone in the dorm.

Should I text Tae? Should we just celebrate my day together?

I honestly can't think of any idea.

When I browsed on YouTube about trending stuff, BangtanTv release something. It's their TinyTan!

Wait the girl is familiar...Taehyung.

If you're curious why. It's because the girl looks like me when I turn him down. A simple girl whose hair is always in bun. A girl who always pretend she's happy alone but she is not. A girl who rejected a fat boy not because of his appearanve but because I don't have feelings for him. But it changed when we meet again.

The girl who meet that guy from a famous boy group and is very lucky to have him by his side. I know I might be mistaken because others will say it's ARMY.  But who knows right? Maybe that could be his gift for me??

You can say that I am a feeler, slang word. But I am happy with this video. I am an ARMY too and I am proud that I stan them.

When I got out from my room, I was stunned in place to witnessed what just happened.

The guy I am talking about is sanding in front of me, his boxy smile displayed on his lips.

From all the schedules he've went through for this year, he still make an effort to be here.

He slowly walk towards me holding a strawberry cake. What's with us and strawberries? Our cakes are the same. Fans might discover, but I don't care.

"Happy birthday love." A smile automatically plastered on my lips when he called me that endearment. He called me love once when he read a letter from a guy fan and his face was not good that time. He told me he should be the only one to call me that.

"Thank you." I am gonna say yes to him. But later. I have been thinking about it and I will definitely do it.

"Blow it." I closed my eyes to have a wish before I blow the candle.

'I wish that this guy in front of me will be the guy for me.' I may not hav a religion but I trust in miracles. I trust in God.

"Now hold it, I'll take a picture. You stand over there." He pointed at the wall that has a balloon greeting with a rainbow balloon on top.

I did what he asked me to do. I posed while holding my cake. Even without makeup I am very proud with my bare face. And the guy taking my picture is also standing without makeup but still screams supremacy.

After he took multiple shots, he got the cake from me and put it on the center table in our living room. He went towards me and hugged me so tightly.

When he pulled from our embrace, he looked at me.

"What's with the long face? Aren't you happy?"

I shook my head, "I am happy Tae. It's just that my members forgot about my birthday."

He laughed so hard with my answer. Why? Did I said something funny?

"Sorry for laughing. Hahaha!" And again he did a session of laughing. I squinted my eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"They didn't greet you because it's part of my plan. I told them I should be the first one to greet you." I am not sure what to feel. Seriously? Why would he request something like that? Is that the reason why they avoided me?

As if on cue he answered my thought. "It's their idea to avoid you. Part of their surprise." Now it was my turn to chuckle it wouldn't be a surprise anymore since he told me already.

This silly guy.

And then he realized what he said. He covered his mouth in horror and his eyes became wider. I held his face with my hands.

"Don't tell them that." He said like a kid.

"I'll pretend I didn't know." I also said using my baby voice, he held my face too but then he pinched it.


"Did that hurt? I'm sorry love, I'll blow it for you." Before Tae can even do what he said. The door suddenly opened, and my members came in.

"Yah V oppa, why didn't you signal us?! It's our time to greet her." Lisa said as she struggles took off her shoes. One of her shoes is still on while the other is not. Lisa is whining like a baby again.

"Now we know why." Unnie raised her brow and she smirk.

I pull off my hand and cough.

"It's not a surprise anymore." Chaeng added.

"I'll get going then." Tae kissed me on my forehead then he whispered, "I'll be back later. I still have a schedule. For now celebrate it with your members." Well his reason is understandable. He is an idol, not just a simple one but a famous guy from a famous group. "I love you." Then he kissed my cheek. That's the second time he did that in fron of my members. I am still not used to him being so sweet and I know that face redden.

My members made some disgusting sounds like they are gonna throw up. Tae excused himself and got his coat and mask on the sofa. He waved at us and his figure fades as he close the door.

"Okay now that we're just alone..should we begin the celebration?!" Lisa shouted in excitement.

"Let's get it!"

"Okay let's do it!"

I don't really know what they are saying but yeah as long as they are having fun I am cool with it.

"Unnie did we surprise you?" Lisa was still reminiscing what happened with their supposedly greeting surprise.

"Yeah I am really surprise." My voice sounded opposite of it.

"Tsk. Nice acting unnie." She pouted again.

"We're sorry that we avoided you. Actually our surprise is still upcoming." Chaeng said.

"What is it?"

"It's not what, it's who." Now that got me curious.

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