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Cover art is by me!

Hi! I'm Cam/Synn, the author! I use he/they pronouns.

(used to have my socials here but took them away 👍👍)

If you know me irl, no you don't :') please don't judge me this is a creative outlet-

This is my first time writing a fanfic, so be patient with me :) I feel like I've read enough to write pretty decently, but idk lol, we'll see! (I'm also pretty good at writing normal shit haha)

I am not good at writing smut, so there will not be any in this story, but I am definitely not opposed to it. Feel free to comment nsfw/sexual jokes too, i think they're funny🧍‍♀️. There will be lime and fluff, though.

I accept constructive criticism! Also if my posting schedule is messed up, it's because I'm not very good with balancing school and other stuff. Sorry about that!


Dream (Clay)


Bad (Darryl)

Skeppy (Zak)



Alex Quackity (minor character)

Everything is based off of reality, like ages, heights, where they live, etc.

I will put whose POV it is, ex: ____'s POV or 3rd POV (____)

I don't take the ships very seriously, I just find them pretty interesting and cute.

This story is more of a fun thing I started, so it's not planned out very well, if something seems abrupt thats why :s

I also feel like I didn't write some of their characters well especially Karl's, I know this isn't really how these people act irl so sorry about that.

Do not spam the CCs about this, and don't take what I say seriously! This is a FICTIONAL STORY!! :)

I will put TWs and CWs before a chapter if there is anything in it! There's always going to be swears, though!

Anyways, have fun reading :D

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