06 | We Shall Conquer

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TRUMPET SOUNDS WERE HEARD, and the students cheered so loud their vocal cords could break. The lights turn off, and a spotlight was directed towards the main entrance of the stadium. No one even noticed how the red carpet in the middle got there. Soon after, a banner in the middle falls, and everyone couldn't contain their excitement anymore. Some were even standing from their seats. Max, Ari, and Felix were forced to do the same so they could see what was happening.

 Max, Ari, and Felix were forced to do the same so they could see what was happening

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 The House of Kings (J.S High) is known as the Kings' Castle. The top 6 brotherhoods reside in this house, and out of all of them, the Kings are the most respected and most feared brotherhood since they have the power to rule over the other Houses. But other than the brotherhoods, the house also takes pride in the white uniforms. J.S High has the most outstanding heirs in the world. They are definitely a house to be reckoned with.

     Before the brotherhoods start appearing, vice president Gavriil Alexeev rejoins Ian on the stage. A white uniform runs to his side to give him a microphone of his own.

     "Good day everyone. I am Gavriil Alexeev, the Elites' vice president. I know that everyone is excited about this assembly, so let me remind you that this is the moment where you have to catch the brotherhoods' attention. Because this is the best opportunity to become their underlings." The vice president announces, making the freshmen students pumped up even more.

     The higher years started stumping their feet. It was a welcoming ceremony for the first year.

     "Underlings are given personal invitations by the brotherhoods. But students are still allowed to apply for their chosen brotherhood. They only have to go through an initiation." Ian explains, and Gavriil nods his head to agree to this statement.

     "So fellow white uniforms, watch your upperclassmen closely and decide what brotherhood best suits you. Thank you." Gavriil explains further before leaving Ian at the stage again.

     When Ian was once again alone at the stage, the host, Mr. Coleman, rejoins him. Ian gives back the microphone to him and pats his back before following Gavriil and joining the Elites.

     "The time has finally come. But before we begin, please take your seats. I repeat, please go back to your seats, everyone."

     The crowd was too hyped up at this point that they could barely even hear Mr. Coleman speak. Ian doesn't do anything about it, but Gavriil on the other hand walks in the middle of the stadium with no shame. The brotherhoods who were already sitting there were staring at him, but Gavriil didn't look intimidated.

     He stood out since he was surrounded by students who wore black uniforms. When the students saw him, the noise got quieter and quieter until nothing else was heard. Gavriil puts the microphone that he's holding near his mouth and asks, "Our brotherhoods are about to enter. Is this how you show your respect to them?"

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