32 | Princes' Law

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EVERYONE WAS ON THEIR phones, rewatching the battle that happened yesterday with Max and Krist. Thanks to Max's favor with his brother regarding vice president Gavriil, Max didn't get in any trouble since the Elites weren't physically there to stop them. It was an absurd reason, but that's one of the loopholes that Max found out from their rulebook.

     "You were awesome Max! We were all watching it live in our classroom, and no one believed that you'd actually win. A lot expected that you'd lose and even made bets, but let me tell you, they lost a lot of money because of that," Felix enthusiastically exclaimed while he was walking with Max and Ari on the way back to their classroom after helping Ari carry a bunch of books to the faculty since he's the class rep.

     While they were walking, someone suddenly hits Max's injured arm, making the heir wince.

     "Hey! Watch where you're going!" Ari angrily defends. And to their surprise, the student who bumped into them was actually a Jack. The three expected him to say something or even get mad at them, but to their surprise, the Jack quickly apologizes and peacefully walks away with the rest of his friends.

     "Okay, that surprised me," Felix honestly says as they watch the Jack walk away from them.

     "Haven't you noticed? Ever since the battle with Master Joker, the Jacks have been completely ignoring Max now. Well, the few remaining Jacks I mean," Ari says as they continue walking down the busy hallway.

     The battle between Max and Krist was broadcast on the school's official website for everyone to see. After the battle, Krist announced the dismissal of hundreds of his underlings as promised, but the Jokers' leader explained that those who are willing to stay will be under observation. After all, their customs still haven't changed, and Jokers still need their Jacks to continue their pranks.

     Surprisingly enough, a handful of Jacks stayed, including Max's classmate and bully, Ervin Walker. But most of them still left and surrendered their brooches, thinking that Jokers are nothing more than a joke now after losing to a white uniform.

     Everything was better than what Max expected. 

    Well, almost...

     "Where's the fuck's my chair?" Max asks in shock as soon as the three friends arrive back at their classroom.

     Max approaches the spot where his chair was supposed to be, but then his eyes widen from even more shock when he realizes that his bag wasn't there either.

     "Where's my bag? My flash drive is there, and I need it for later's meeting," Max says, trying not to panic.

     Vice president Gavriil wasn't in the room since he went out with their homeroom teacher earlier, so no one said a thing. Ari angrily looks back at his classmates and got ready to interrogate them when one of their classmates suddenly spoke, "Isn't it obvious? Jokers did it. Do you think just because you defeated them, they'll leave you alone now? Don't act special."

     "These assholes. Stop lying and—"

     Just before Ari could even grab someone, the bell rings, signaling that their first period is about to begin. Max looks around the room to check if his bag could be found, but he couldn't see it anywhere.

     Their Biology professor, Mrs. Helena Pennington, arrives soon after and asks everyone to settle down; except for Max of course since he doesn't have a seat to settle down to.

     "Mr. Sinclaire? If you don't have a chair then sit on the floor," Mrs. Pennington instructs him, making the class snicker. They never really thought they'd ever see Max sitting on the floor for an entire class.

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