13 | Half-Brothers

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MAX LOOKS OUT AT the window of the car that he's in. He takes a deep breath and stares at the trees that lead to the exit of their campus. They drive past a lamppost, causing Max to see his reflection on the window. He grits his teeth when he caught a glimpse of his tire-stained peak cap. He takes the cap off and throws it on the seat beside him, startling Étienne who was driving.

     "Is there are problem master Leigh?" Étienne asks, but Max just crosses his arms and ignores him.

     Today was Max's first day of school, and at the same time, it was his first time experiencing being just Max, and not the respected heir - Maximilian Leigh Sinclaire. It was refreshing like how he expected, but it was exhausting. Max wasn't going to lie about that. All the things that he learned today were overwhelming. From the different houses to the types of students, and down to the brotherhoods and their system. All of those things were things that felt too unreal to be real, but Max saw it in his own eyes so his mind and rational thinking just completely shut down.

      And then there are the Elites...

     "Talk to me again without the dirt on your cap and maybe I'll take you seriously and consider it." He remembered Gavriil Alexeev's answer earlier when he proposed to make him his mentor. That was one of the few moments Max felt genuinely embarrassed. And the waves of laughter from his classmates made things worse. If it weren't for Felix pulling him away from the scene then he might have shouted like a spoiled child and embarrassed himself even more.

     "How was school today master Leigh?" Étienne suddenly asks.

     Max glances at his butler through the rearview mirror and questions him instead, "What are you? My father?"

     "No, but it would be nice to report it to your actual father," Étienne answers back, and this time, Max chuckles. He knew deep down that the last thing his father would be interested in would be knowing about how his first day of school went. Étienne's just being considerate since he knows how distant Max and his father's relationship is.

      "Tell him, if he is by any chance even interested, that I had a great day," Max says, emphasizing the word great so the sarcasm of his answer becomes more obvious.

      "I'll send him the message."

     Max rolls his eyes and looks out of the window again to watch the cars that drove past them so he could distract himself. The last thing he wants now is to worry about his father and his school life. Two things that do not combine well.

     He places his elbow on the door's armrest so he could rest his chin on his palm. He continues to watch the cars, counting the ones that are red, and subtracting that number every time he sees a black car. It went on for a while until they finally got back to the Sinclaire residence where they were welcomed by a large gate with a family crest placed right in the middle.

     "Negative twelve. Not a lot of people like red cars," Max says out of nowhere when Étienne parked the car in front of the entrance of the mansion.

     "Pardon?" Étienne asks with a confused expression.

     Max doesn't answer as a man in uniform opens the car door for him. He steps out of the car with a blank expression without even looking back at the person who opened the door. He then heads straight inside, maids bowing their heads from the sight of him.

     "Welcome home master Leigh." They all greet in unison.

     Max slightly nods his head back to acknowledge them. 

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