46 | Greetings

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MAX WAS ON HIS way back to Class II-A's room with a small smile on his face. The fact that J.S High is still going to participate in Mr. Brains and Brawn made Max overly excited. Of course, he's still worried about a possible outsider who's out there to get him, but right now all he could think about is winning the competition.

     As Max continues to walk down the empty hall, he lifts his head up and suddenly spots a student walking in his opposite direction.

    The heir was surprised as the student who's in front of him was the Elites' vice president, Gavriil. He was holding a large pile of papers, and Max wanted to ignore him and just walk past him, but when he got close, Max instinctively stops in front of the elite and says, "Do you need help?"

     Gavriil stops but doesn't say anything. His long hair covered one of his eyes, so without asking for permission, Max leans close and tucks his hair behind his ears for him, revealing the mole that's on the side of his eye. "Do you?" Max asks him again.

     Gavriil remains expressionless. He didn't even look fazed after what Max did, but he opened his mouth instead and answers him, "I'm heading to the Elite's office. It's going to be a long walk so would you mind?"

    Max doesn't even answer as he starts taking half of the papers that Gavriil is holding. "Lead the way then, Mr. vice president."

    Gavriil nods his head and starts walking. Max immediately follows behind him, and the two walk in silence.

     They weren't sure about what to say to each other. They haven't really talked properly other than the time when Max asked Gavriil to mentor him and he embarrassingly got rejected right after. So ever since that day, Max has been trying his best not to get acquainted with him anymore, which is why the opportunity to talk almost became impossible.

     "Oh yeah, I haven't thanked you yet," Max suddenly says when he remembered something.

     Gavriil glances at him. He doesn't know why Max had to thank him, but he stayed quiet. He wanted to know what it was about without the need to ask.

     "During my battle with Master Joker, you posted an announcement that the white uniforms who will head to the stadium would be suspended. If it wasn't for your participation, my plan would have ended differently," Max says, surprising Gavriil because for a second he thought that Max was going to thank him since he watched over him when he was sleeping at the clinic.

     Looks like Max doesn't know about that one.

     "It doesn't matter. I did it because the Dukes asked me to. I didn't do it for you so I don't need your gratitude," Gavriil says with a blank expression, making Max chuckle.

     "A 'you're welcome' would have been easier to say, but I guess that's okay too," Max says before looking back at the vice president. "Why do you hate me? Actually, Hans hated me too, but somehow I'm more curious about your reason."

     Silence surrounded the two again, and Max somehow expected that Gavriil wouldn't be giving him an answer anytime soon.

     "I didn't say that I hate you, or anyone in particular. There is no reason for me to hate on a white uniform. I'm the vice president after all," Gavriil suddenly answers. And before Max could even comment about it, Gavriil stops walking and says. "We're here."

     Max looks upfront and sees a large door with the sign that says Elites. Gavriil opens it and heads inside. Max was hesitating at first, but he goes inside anyways.

     The room was everything that Max expected. There's a long table in the middle of the room, a large screen at the front, five desks for each member, a couple of bookshelves, and even a large sofa. But overall, the Elites office almost looked like a mess because of all the files and papers that are scattered everywhere.

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