92 | Between Friends

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"MR. COLEMAN GAVE US too many assignments again. With everything that's going on with my family, these are the moments that remind me that I'm still a student," Max explains while he and his three friends walk their way down the steps of the Keep.

     "Yeah," Ari answers, looking like he was out of it.

     Max notices how his friends have been looking worried ever since he got out of the clinic, so he stops in front of them and asks, "Hey, did I worry you guys again?"

     Felix, who has been quiet since earlier, clenches on his fist and tries to say, "O-Of course we were worried. Why wouldn't we be?"

     Max smiles and pats Felix's head like how he always does, almost making Felix break down in tears. "You're seriously overthinking again. You're my friends, and you guys being there is enough for me. You don't have to worry about every single thing. You don't have to involve yourselves in everything that happens to my life," Max tells them, almost making Ari drop on his knees to apologize to him.

     They couldn't face Max after what happened. They knew that they had to do something as Max's only friends, but at the same time they have guns pointed at their temples. They were trapped.

     "And besides, I only fainted. It's not like someone tried to bomb me again," Max jokingly says as he starts walking, making the three awkwardly laugh with him before following their friend.

     When they got off the steps, they instantly notice Max's butler, Étienne, waiting for him. So Max approaches Étienne as Ari and the others stand behind Max.

     "What's with the face? Did Marcus tell you again that I was sent to the clinic?" Max asks when he notices Étienne's very serious expression.

     Étienne doesn't say anything and just opens the door for Max, so Max sighs and looks back at his friends. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. I apologize for making you worry again."

     "Don't mention it," Ervin answers, and Max finally heads inside the car.

     The three thought that Étienne was going to head inside the car too, but then he directly looks at the three and tells them, "You all look like smart kids, so I hope you know what will happen if you end up running your mouth."

     Ari and the others gulp in terror as Étienne finally heads inside the car and drives off. As soon as the car leaves their sight, Felix looks at Ari and Ervin and asks them, "Do you think we did the right thing? Even though we were only asked to do it, I feel kinda guilty"

     "We're all guilty," Ervin adds, making Ari nod his head to agree to it.

     "In all honesty, I wouldn't have done it if Marcus didn't mention Max's mother. Anyone who knows how the business world works knows best not to go against her, even if she is already dead," Ari explains.

     "Do you think Max's mom really has something to do with this?" Felix then asks.

     "Isn't it obvious? Whoever is doing this to Max is serious enough to make him suppress his own memories. With what Marcus told us earlier, it's obvious that it has something to do with his mother and the Sinclaire family," Ari then explains.

     Felix, who looked like he wasn't agreeing with the two, scratches his head and says, "But I seriously feel like we should have done something. Who cares if the Sinclaire family is involved?"

     As soon as Felix said those words, Ari and Ervin looked back at him like he was crazy.

     "Let me remind you that we aren't like you, Felix," Ervin immediately fires back. "We're not heirs or from powerful families. One word from them and our parents could lose their jobs. I have younger siblings too. I don't want them to get hurt."

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