89 | The Monarchs

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"BOMBS. THEY SPECIALIZE IN making bombs. It's what made them rich and powerful," Cj finally reveals, and the room instantly falls silent.

     Max thought everything stopped for a second, but then as the information finally sank in, his stomach suddenly churned, and he immediately stood up and covered his mouth, almost like he was ready to vomit.

     Cj drops his cigarette and stands from his seat, looking at Max with shock and worry. "Whoa...are you alright? Did I say something wrong?"

    Max couldn't answer as he tries to calm himself down. He doesn't know why, but then his chest starts beating fast, and different emotions rushed right through him like it was a tsunami.

     "It's our little secret, Leigh. Friendships weren't always made to last," he suddenly remembers, finally making him vomit on the floor. The female voice was almost taunting him, and he couldn't help but hold onto the desk for support because he thought he was going to faint then and there.

     Still confused and dumbfounded by his reaction, Cj was about to approach Max to check on him, but as he got closer, Max pushes him away.

     Max wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and looks at Cj apologetically. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go."

     "W-what? Wait...Max..."

     Before Cj could even stop him, Max runs out of the office and slams the door, leaving Cj speechless.

     Cj didn't know what to do as he looks around the room like a lost kid. He then leans on his desk and covers his mouth, still looking dazed by how quickly it all escalated.

     As he brushes his hair back with his fingers, Cj looks up at the ceiling and says, "Something's just not adding up..." he says as he touches the brooch that's on his collar.  

     "President Cullen...what the hell did you do to those three?


The bell rings, and the white uniforms rush to their rooms so they wouldn't be caught by their teachers or any of the members of the Elites.

     One boy, on the other hand, was walking down the hallway like he wasn't running late at all. Students around him were in a hurry, so it was expected that someone was eventually going to bump into him since he was walking so slowly in the middle of the hallway.

    "Hey! Move away you fucking slowpoke!" Shouted the white uniform. But when he turned to look at the person who he bumped into, he almost stumbled back because of the menacing look he has on his face.

    The student he bumped into was actually a third-year gaffer. He honestly thought that he was going to get scolded or punched, but then the gaffer changed his menacing look into a charming smile in just a quick second.

     "Sorry, I'm a bit tired so I don't really have the energy to run," the gaffer says, and the student - who's a fourth-year dweller - immediately shakes his head in terror even though he was a year higher than him.

     "N-No...It's my fault. I was the one who wasn't looking," the dweller says, and before he could even wait for a response, he bows and runs away from the gaffer before things could get any worse.

    The charming smile on the student's face instantly changes and turns back into an irritated expression.

     "How dare he touch me," the gaffer says, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket and using it to dust off the shoulder where the dweller bumped into earlier. Afterward, he made his way to the Hall of Caelus where the second-year classes could be found. Despite him being a third-year himself, he went to that building since the music room was placed there.

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