34 | First Protectors

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"I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE Ervin apologized to you. If you didn't tell us that it happened, I would have never imagined it," Ari says before taking a bite of his garlic bread.

     "Looks like you really did help change the Jokers and the Jacks," Felix then adds, and all Max could do was smile as he peacefully eats breakfast with his friends.

     The three were now at the busy Great Hall. The students were as loud as they could be, and the brotherhoods - especially Cigarettes - were playing around in their balconies like a bunch of kids.

     Jokers weren't there though. Ever since the time Viktor pushed Krist's limits in regards to the jack-in-the-box that Max received a couple of days ago, Jokers never ate at the Great Hall anymore. Some say they're ashamed to show their faces since they lost to a white uniform, but Max could only guess that they're only hanging around at the rooftop to avoid drama.

     "Anyway, do you guys have any plans tomorrow? Wanna hang out?" Felix asks.

     "I'm free," Ari instantly answers.

     "Sorry, I have a meeting at our company. There are new projects that I have to check. For the time being, why not you two hang out instead. Maybe it can lessen your awkwardness with each other," Max says, and the two immediately glare at each other like they're mortal enemies.

     "No way am I going to hang out with Mr. two-face here," Ari blurts out, confusing Max.

     Felix pretends to laugh at the remark while he aggressively steps on Ari's feet, instantly making the poor gaffer wince in pain.

      While the three were talking like normal students, the doors of the Great Hall suddenly opens. And to everyone's surprise, it was the Jokers. Even the brotherhoods had to stop what they were doing to check them out.

      Jokers make their entrance, and a dozen of students stood up to bow to them. It was an unusual sight, considering the fact that there were a hundred of them before, and now you can already count the Jacks with your fingers.

     "They're actually here. That's a shocker," Ari casually says before stuffing his mouth with strawberry-flavored mochi.

    "Eat slower or you might choke you idiot," Felix suddenly says, breaking his supposed soft character. Though it was loud enough for Ari to hear, Max thankfully wasn't paying much attention since his eyes were on Jokers the whole time.

     Jokers start walking in the middle of the Great Hall as the rest of the brotherhoods watch them in silence. Everyone expected that they'd head straight to the balconies, but to their surprise, Krist stops right in front of Max's table and that finally made everyone stop talking.

     "Looks like Master Joker isn't here to play anymore," a student speculated with a low chuckle.

     The students of the House of Kings thought that a fight would break, but then Krist went closer to Max, and Max fearlessly stood up from his seat before Ari could even stop him. Ari was afraid that the Jokers would do something to their friend, but he knew that it's better to stay put instead, especially when it's obvious how Max wouldn't let anyone stop him either.

    Krist doesn't say anything as everyone watches them with curious eyes. After a while, Krist shows Max his hand like he was asking for something. Max was confused for a moment - and so was everyone else who was watching - but then he realizes what the leader meant soon after. So Max immediately pulls something out of his pocket and places it on top of Krist's palm.

     It was Krist's crown brooch.

     "Thanks," he says before suddenly grabbing Max by the collar.

     Everyone was surprised by the sudden action, especially Felix and Ari.

     Marcus, who was watching from the balcony as well, was even ready to interfere. But he suddenly stops himself when his leader grabbed him like how he always does to not make any scene.

     Everyone was quiet like they were watching a movie. The suspense was killing them.

     "What are you—" Before Max could even finish his sentence, Krist suddenly pins the crown brooch on Max's collar. Everyone gasps from shock. Even the brotherhoods couldn't believe what the baron was doing.

     "That's his crown brooch right? What is he doing? Why the hell is he giving it to a white uniform?" Cj - Cigarettes leader - asked while leaning on the balustrade with complete disbelief.

      After pinning the brooch on Max, Krist steps away from the heir. And for the first time ever in the grounds of the House of Kings, a leader of a brotherhood went down on one knee and bowed to a white uniform. Krist bowed in front of Max, and then the rest of the members of Jokers followed.

     Soon after that, the underlings bow one by one. It was a sight that might as well be considered as a part of the school's history.

     Even Viktor couldn't do anything. He looked down at them and smirked in satisfaction before walking back to his seat to continue his lunch as if nothing happened. "Looks like he finally did something decent for once," Viktor mumbles to himself before taking a sip of his soda.

      While everyone is bowing in front of Max, Krist lifts his head and tells Max with complete sincerity, "You have defeated us fair and square and have given us greater purpose and worth more than anyone in this house. We, the barons, are extending our gratitude and assistance to you."

     All the students couldn't believe what they were hearing. A brotherhood has never done this before, even in the lower houses.

     "My brotherhood brooch and crown are connected with a golden chain. I hope your possession of my crown brooch is a symbolism of how we are connected. Use us as you see fit until you are able to reach your ultimate goal," Krist says before finally standing up.

     Max was still left speechless. He didn't know how to react, but after sinking everything in, he suddenly chuckles to himself before finally saying, "So you've been planning this from the start huh? Well, who am I to decline it, right?"

     Ari and Felix's eyes widen from shock when Max suddenly did a deep bow. Ever since he arrived in J.S High, Max has only bowed his head, even at Viktor. But for the first time, Max was properly bowing at Krist, showing Jokers that they are a brotherhood that Max truly respects.

    "I am honored to serve you as well...my barons."

    The members of Jokers were surprised by the sudden gesture. They stare at Max with disbelief; even Rome looked like he was going to burst into tears. No one has ever shown them this much respect before. It might not be much to some, but being bowed to like that was very important for the Jokers.

    After composing themselves, Brave then approaches Max and pats his shoulder. With a smile on his face, the joker said, "Us, barons, are only allowed to give a maximum of 500 points to a white uniform. We know you don't want it anymore, but it doesn't really feel right if we don't. So...Maximilian Leigh Sinclaire...how many points do you want?"

     Everyone starts talking with each other after hearing what Brave has to say. Like how a brotherhood bowed to a mere student, a brotherhood has never freely given a White Uniform merit points before.

    Max stands properly and touches the brooch that is now pinned on his collar. Amidst the growing whispers, Max then grins and shows them his student card. "Give me everything you've got then."


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